Gold Patch 1 Release


  • Select which related records you want to share using bulk share's share related list feature.

  • Upon cloning bulk shares, new clones will now honor only the latest time stamp and no longer append timestamps continuously.

  • Added warning messages to alert users that the use of custom tables and columns can impact previous shares when creating a custom schema.

  • Added the number of messages contained in the payload to the header for messages that are being sent from ServiceNow to the Perspectium Integration Mesh. 

  • Creating MultiOutput Jobs will now automatically delete jobs that were previously created by the Create MultiOutput Jobs tool. 

  • Additional information is available when monitoring your queue and tracking the history. With Track History, you can start viewing the metrics of your queue.

  • Issue fixed with bulk share state staying as "Running" when Data Obfuscation is enabled.

  • Reduced the amount of global property query to help improve performance for subscribe records in large bulk.

Gold Hotfix 5 Release 

July 15, 2020 

  • Fixed an issue where values were not entering into the import set table correctly

Gold Hotfix 4 Release 

June 22, 2020 

  • Fixed an issue of primary key violations occurring on bulk actions on subscribe in ServiceNow.

  • Added better handling of Observer messages for invalid queries.

Gold Hotfix 3 Release 

May 15, 2020 

  • Fixed an issue where certain database view tables are not processing correct out of ServiceNow
  • Fixed an issue where database view tables returns a syntax error when previewed

Gold Hotfix 2 Release 

April 27, 2020 

  • Added the ability to for Jira meshlet to select different Jira projects

Gold Hotfix 1 Release 

March 19, 2020

  • Fixed an issue where querying business rules were preventing bulk share from sharing the expected number of records.

Gold Release

March 3, 2020

  • Manually reshare records from your ServiceNow instance from a period of three days or less for situations where all records were not received. 

  • Specify how many bulk shares can run simultaneously in a scheduled bulk shareThis is useful if you don't want all the bulk shares listed in this scheduled bulk share to try and run immediately based on the number of scheduled workers you have available. 

  • Upon creating shared queues or subscribed queues, you can choose a queue type that will automatically prepend a queue prefix to your queue name for easier creation and setup. 

  • Enable debug logging for a specified time frame in the Perspectium properties to obtain additional informations when using the Perspectium application. 

  • Fanout queues are used to broadcast messages across multiple queues. When creating a shared queue, you now have the option to send to a fanout queue. Monitoring receipts for fanout queues is also available. 

  • When include audit log is checked in dynamic share or bulk share, you have an option to choose which audit log records will be shared by checking Filter audit fields

  • Monitor tables such as inbound messages, outbound messages, outbound attachments, and outbound audits in your ServiceNow instance by setting up email notifications using Table Monitoring

  • If you are sending a high volume of messages to a single queue or spreading your messages across a high volume of queues, you can now use Multiple MultiOutput Jobs

  • To improve data alignment, you now have an option to use these new features:
    • Post Immediately: In a sharing instance, dynamic share messages will be posted as soon as the outbound message is created instead of waiting for the MultiOutput processor scheduled job to send all the outbound messages in bulk. 
    • Skip delayed updates: In a subscribing instance, inbound messages will be skipped if the message has a later updated time than the target record.

  • Improved dynamic share's scheduled sync up feature with notifying users when to create indexed columns for the selected table in dynamic share. For more information on indexing columns, see Create a table index.

  • Receipt messages are now an opt-in feature and can be enabled in the u_psp_properties table by modifying the value of the com.perspectium.enable_receipts property.

  • Database views tables is now available for group sharing out a combination of dynamic and bulk shares from one ServiceNow instance to another.

  • When a table map is set in a dynamic share, you will now be notified to use "before" in the business rule when field to ensure Service Gateway integration. 

  • Catalog Tasks PSP Template is available as a template selection for group share. This template includes data related to service catalog requests that requires approval.

  • Optimized performance for querying outbound records by the shared queue.

  • View History in shared and subscribed queues is now compatible with enabled monitor and track history.

  • Preview output in table map now correctly process HTML fields with single lines.

  • In dynamic share, you are no longer restricted from using Include Journal Fields when Business Rule When is set to "before". Instead, a warning message is displayed to notify users that Include Journal Field should not be checked when sharing to another ServiceNow instance or SIAM integration.

  • Removed Perspectium ETS scheduled jobs (Perspectium ETS feature is no longer available).

  • Auxillary records (audit log, journal fields, etc.) are not re-sending when Resend Message is clicked on the record's receipt. 

Gold 5.0.11 Release


  • Typo fix in Meshlet message when retrieving ServiceNow schema. 

Gold 5.0.0 Release

April 1, 2020

Gold 5.0.2 Release


  • Be able to modify your bulk share settings after bulk share is executed using reset bulk share

  • Bulk share fields are removed e.g., Include Embedded Images/Videos, View Name, Target Queue, Notes, and Team.

  • Share Queue, Start All Shares and Stop All Shares modules are removed. 

Gold 5.0.1 Release

May 26, 2020

Gold Release

April 30, 2020

  • Configure the number of times the DataSync agent will retry after a SQL error with <sql_retries> in the agent.xml.

  • Improved better error handling for DataSync agent when messages have empty values.


  • The agent.xml configuration file's <database_parms> directive has been standardize.

  • Added machine's hostname, internal IP address, Java version and OS version to DataSync Agent's heartbeat.

  • Updated DataSync Agent to utilize 3.9.0 Snowflake JDBC driver.

  • Configure your DataSync Agent with sorting your database columns in alphabetical order with <column_sort> in the agent.xml. 

  • Polling interval is now limited to 5 seconds or greater. If the polling interval is set to less than 5 seconds, it will default to 5 seconds.

  • To ensure multibyte or foreign characters are saved properly for string column types, the DataSync Agent creates column types that can store unicode string data. Changing the data type to your configuration is now available.

  • You can now add the tag <skip_duplicate/> to the agent.xml to skip adding temporal rows for duplicate records. 

  • S3 file subscriber now allows multiple layers of folders following the bucket name. See the <s3_bucket> directive for more information. 

  • Default <skip_table_stats/> when installing SQL Agent through the installer.

  • In DataSync Agent for Salesforce, the <schema_connection> directive's value will be in the format

  • Tasks pointing to the same database and server will allocate and start only one table stats collector to avoid placing excessive load on the agent and the database.

  • The DataSync Agent's database directive, <database_parms>, now includes another default value (autoReconnect=true) that will save records in the database even when there is no activity in the instance. 

  • Fixed an issue where the Agent only ran table stats once instead of intervals

  • <batch_insert> and <batch_update> commands do not work properly when reading messages from a queue that has records from different tables. To use these commands, the queue should only have records from one table.

Gold Release

May 7, 2020

  • Added Delete All option in list view of Perspectium objects such as dynamic share and bulk share to delete all selected records at once.

  • Temporal agent is now functional with DataSync for Salesforce.


  • The Salesforce application will set a header with the number of messages being sent on each post to the Integration Mesh.

  • The Salesforce application now sets a header with the org name for each post to the Integration Mesh. 

  • MultiOutput processing jobs will no longer be present in scheduled jobs after deletion.

  • Arrows are centered in the Fields to Share and Include Child Records in the dynamic share and bulk share when selecting records for those fields. 

  • Misspelling fix for the success message that appears when After Save Trigger is clicked in the dynamic share

  • Description field for Perspectium jobs must be left empty by default in order for jobs to process.

Gold Release

June 3, 2020

  • DataSync for Snowflake, a single-direction (ServiceNow to Snowflake) integration that leverages bulk shares for a one time migration for the collection of ServiceNow data into a Snowflake data warehouse.

Gold Release

June 26, 2020

  • Fixed an issue where the password value is not encrypting correctly for Windows environment.

Gold Release

June 5, 2020

  • Splunk Meshlets will now process referenced field values such as assigned_to, company, etc. 

Gold 5.0.5 Release

May 15, 2020

  • Include all the data for a record's fields in the event field when configuring your Splunk meshlet by using saveInEvent

  • Configure your Splunk meshlet to dynamically set table name by adding $table value in sourceType

Gold Release

April 1, 2020

  • Modify meshlet logs by setting the rolling policy in the logback file Perspectium Support will provide to you.  

Can't find the feature you're looking for?  

See release notes for earlier releases.