Upon the initial creation of a dynamic share, you can choose between using Business Rule or Flow Designer. When you choose Business Rule, the dynamic share uses business rules to trigger sharing records out. By default, the business rule created is named Perspectium Replicate. With enabling Generate unique names for the business rules associated with dynamic shares option, the business rules that will be created will have a unique name instead.
install DataSync for ServiceNow and run the Perspectium Finish Install scripts. First, you will need to
To generate unique names for the business rules associated with dynamic shares, follow these steps:
Access DataSync (Replicator) Properties
Log into your sharing ServiceNow instance and navigate to Perspectium > DataSync > Properties.
Enable unique names
Check the box labeled Generate unique names for the business rules associated with dynamic shares. Then, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Save to save your changes.