Using polling intervals for publish/subscribe messaging creates a potential issue for records to become out of sync if they are updated at the same time. By posting outbound messages immediately, the time frame for this issue is decreased. To further mitigate this potential issue from occurring, the subscribing system will check if the local record has been updated more recently when receiving an update. If so, the update is ignored.  


(warning) First, you will need to create a dynamic share

(warning) Second, you will need to create a subscribe record.

(warning) Lastly, you will need to enable post immediately on the dynamic share's target queue.


To ignore delayed updates, follow these steps:

Access Perspectium properties

Log into your ServiceNow instance and enter u_psp_properties.list in the Filter Navigator on the upper left-hand side of the screen.

Ensure skip delayed updates property is turned off

Under the name field, search for com.perspectium.skip_delayed_updatesClick the property and set Value to false. Then, click update.

Enable skip delayed field updates property

You can also choose to skip delayed target field updates. This will only work if the table being shared is audited since this will check if the target field has been updated more recently than the subscribed update.

Under the name field, search for com.perspectium.skip_delayed_field_updatesClick the property and set Value to true. Then, click update.

(warning) WARNING: It is best not to enable this property if there are high volume dynamic shares as this may impact performance.