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The Propertities module defines the options, settings, and preferences applied to your Perspectium application. 

To configure Perspectiujm's properties, go to Perspectium > Control and Configuration > Properties

In the following sections you can find instructions for customizing your General Settings and DataSync Settings, as well as an overview table of Perspectium Properties.

General Settings

From the Properties page, click General Settings (Perspectium > Control and Configuration Properties > General Settings)

On the General Settings page, you can change your Perspectium Mesh Username, Password, and URL.

You can also:

Allow sharing of incidents to Perspectium Support

This feature gives you the option to send Perspectium-related incidents directly to our Support team. Enabling this option will ServiceBond your ServiceNow instance with Perspectium Support, allowing you to stay updated in real-time as our Support team works on your incident.

(info) NOTEDisplay values do not ensure referential integrity when used to join with other tables. To ensure accurate joining between tables, always rely on the actual sys_id value in the reference field instead.



  1. In your sharing ServiceNow instance, go to Perspectium > Control and Configuration > Properties General Settings

  2. Check the box labeled Allow sharing of incidents to Perspectium Support

  3. Scroll to the bottom and click Save

    (info) NOTE: After enabling this option in Perspectium Properties, a ServiceNow shared queue (named psp.out.perspectiumdev_support) and dynamic share (named Perspectium Support) will be created, which will allow your incidents to be shared to Perspectium Support when the Perspectium Supportassignment group is selected for ServiceNow incidents. The Perspectium Support Incident to Common Incident table map and Perspectium Support Common Incident to Incidenttransform map will also be added to your ServiceNow instance.

  4. To share an incident related to your Perspectium integration with our Support team, log into your ServiceNow instance and navigate to Incident > Create New.

  5. Fill out the details for your incident.

  6. Select Perspectium Support from the Assignment group dropdown.

  7. Click Submit.
Generate debug logging

This option enables the creation of debug logs in the Log Messages table.

To access these messages, go to Perspectium > Control and Configuration > Troubleshooting > Logs



  1. In your sharing ServiceNow instance, go to Perspectium > Control and Configuration > Properties General Settings

  2. Check the box labeled Enable debug logging for a certain period of time

  3. Select a length of time for this property to be enabled from the Debug period dropdown.

  4. Click Save

Delete error messages older than 1 day in the Outbound Messages table

This option enables the removal (via data cleaners) of outbound message records in the Outbound Message table with a status of Error 24 hours after the creation of the record(s). For more information about outbound messages, see ServiceNow messages & receipts.



  1. In your sharing ServiceNow instance, go to Perspectium > Control and Configuration > Properties General Settings

  2. Check the box labeled Delete error messages older than 1 day in the Outbound Messages table

  3. Click Save.
Limit bytes/records for outbound message jobs

There are two options in Perspectium Properties that allow you to limit the number of bytes or records that can be shared out for each outbound message job (MultiOutput Processing job). By default, outbound message jobs cannot share out more than 5,000,000 bytes (or 5 MB) and 8000 records for each job.



  1. In your sharing ServiceNow instance, go to Perspectium > Control and Configuration > Properties General Settings

  2. (If you wish) Enter a byte limit in the field labeled Byte limit for each job that processes outbound messages (MultiOutput Processing job)

    (info) NOTE
    The value in this field will take precedence over any record limit entered for outbound message jobs.

  3. (If you wish) Enter a record limit in the field labeled Record limit for each job that processes outbound messages (MultiOutput Processing job)

  4. Click Save to save your changes.

Limit the maximum number of messages in the Outbound Messages queue

This option allows you to set a max limit for records that can appear in the Outbound Messages table. By default, this limit is set to 1,000,000 outbound messages. For more information about outbound messages, see ServiceNow messages & receipts.



  1. In your sharing ServiceNow instance, go to Perspectium > Control and Configuration > Properties General Settings

  2. Check the box labeled Limit the maximum number of messages in the Outbound Messages queue

  3. Enter your desired limit in the field labeled Maximum number of messages in the Outbound Messages table. This value will only be applied if you check the box (step #2)

  4. Click Save.

The application installs a role called perspectium that has access to the Perspectium application's tables. This role can be used to limit ServiceNow users to only have access to the Perspectium application and can be given to a user used with the DataSync Agent to access ServiceNow table schemas in order to replicate accurately and dynamically to external databases.

DataSync Settings

From the Properties page, click DataSync Settings (Perspectium > Control and Configuration Properties > DataSync Settings)

Your DataSync Settings contain the default encryption and decryption keys that are used for shared and subscribed data, as well as various configuration options for your bulk shares and inbound messages.

On the DataSync Settings page, you can:

  • Share display values
  • User a percentage of workers to run concurrent scheduled bulk shares
  • Save Perspectium properties in the sys_properties table
  • Disable inbound messages
  • Enable multiple jobs to process messages in the inbound table
  • Skip updating the sys_domain_path field when subscribing to records
  • Alert before bulk sharing a large number of records
  • Generate unique names for business rules associated with dynamic shares

Perspectium Properties Overview

Listed are a few of the Perspectium properties needed for the application:

Property nameDescriptionTypeDefault value

Used to send messages to Perspectium Integration Mesh to monitor status of the Perspectium for ServiceNow application. 

(info) NOTE: If the Perspectium application cannot connect to the Default Mesh, this values will toggle to true


Specify node to run Perspectium Scheduled Jobs (Warning: Changing from default may affect performance)

(info) NOTE:

  • The value "Default" allows your ServiceNow instance choose which node to run scheduled jobs on
  • This feature is only available on ServiceNow production instances as developer instances only have one node


Generate receipts from messages received to view details about the data you are sharing to/subscribingtrue/falsefalse


Deletes messages as soon as they are posted to the Integration Mesh, rather than updating them to sent and letting a different process delete the message. 

(info) NOTE: This can be used under systems with high volume to limit the different processes going to the Outbound Message tables. 



Enable shared record tracking for dynamic shares.

