Custom alerts allow you to define your own alerts to occur when ServiceNow events meet certain conditions. This provides you a way to monitor events that are not covered by the built-in alerts already included with Observer.
To create a custom alert, follow these steps:
1. Log into Observer and click > > Alert Configurations.
2. Toward the bottom right-hand corner of the page above the Actions column, click
.3. Type directly in each of the fields to add your custom alert. Information about what to type for each field is described below. Once you have typed this information into all of the fields, click Save to save your custom alert.
(A) Active: Check the box to make your custom alert active in Observer.
(B) Name: The name of the custom alert which is also the name of the event that will cause this alert to occur. This is the name that is sent in the “name” field of messages sent from your ServiceNow instance to Observer. For example, if your ServiceNow instance has events called “Perspectium_Monitor” and you've set it up inside the Perspectium app (under Perspectium > Observer > Event Subscription) to send messages to Observer, then you can create a custom alert with this name to alert when certain conditions are met as described below.
(C) Description: Type any description for your custom alert.
(D) Threshold Operator: A dropdown containing operators such as “>”, “<”, “>=”, “==”, etc. This is used with the valued entered for threshold to determine a minimum, maximum or specific event value in order for the alert to occur. For example if you have “>” here and “25” in threshold, the condition for this alert with be an event that has a value of greater than 25.
(E) Threshold: The maximum value that must be met and/or exceeded for this custom alert to be triggered. This value must be a number value and is used in conjunction with the threshold operator value to determine how the threshold behaves.
(F) Velocity Operator: A dropdown containing operators such as “>”, “<”, “>=”, “==”, etc. This is used with the valued entered for velocity to determine the velocity direction. For example if you have “>=” here and “5” in velocity, the condition for this alert with be a velocity of greater than or equal to 5.
(G) Velocity: When an event is received, the rate of change per minute that must be met from the last time this event occurred for this alert to happen. This is used in conjunction with the velocity operator and must be a number value. For example, if you have the velocity condition of “>=” and “5”, then the alert requires that the event be increasing at a rate of greater than or equal to 5 per minute from the last time this event occurred.
(H) Analysis Window: The time window in minutes to analyze if an alert will occur. Generally when an event occurs, it is logged in Observer and then if the same event occurs again in the time window specified here, then an alert will be created. This value must be a number value. For example, if the analysis window is “12”, then an event must occur twice in a 12 minute time window for an alert to occur.
WARNING! At least one out of three of the following fields must be filled out: Threshold, Velocity, Analysis Window.
NOTE: After you have created your custom alert, any field for that custom alert can be modified by clicking and typing directly into that field. You can test your custom alert by clicking (for testing purpose only, this will not create an alert) or delete your custom alert by clicking .