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Below are the different modules that fall under the category of Control and Configuration, which allows you to make general customizations to your Perspectium application. All of the modules below can be found at Perspectium > Control and Configuration. Explore the following modules to learn more: 




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The Propertities module defines the options, settings, and preferences applied to your Perspectium application. 

To configure Perspectiujm's properties, go to Perspectium > Control and Configuration > Properties

In the following sections you can find instructions for customizing your General Settings and DataSync Settings, as well as an overview table of Perspectium properties.


titleGeneral Settings


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From the Properties page, click General Settings (Perspectium > Control and Configuration Properties > General Settings)

On the General Settings page, you can:



The application installs a role called perspectium that has access to the Perspectium application's tables. This role can be used to limit ServiceNow users to only have access to the Perspectium application and can be given to a user used with theDataSync Agent to access ServiceNow table schemas in order to replicate accurately and dynamically to external databases.

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titleDataSync Settings
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From the Properties page, click DataSync Settings (Perspectium > Control and Configuration Properties > DataSync Settings)

Your DataSync Settings contain the default encryption and decryption keys that are used for shared and subscribed data, as well as various configuration options for your bulk shares and inbound messages.

On the DataSync Settings page, you can:

  • Share display values
  • User a percentage of workers to run concurrent scheduled bulk shares
  • Save Perspectium properties in the sys_properties table
  • Disable inbound messages
  • Enable multiple jobs to process messages in the inbound table
  • Skip updating the sys_domain_path field when subscribing to records
  • Alert before bulk sharing a large number of records
  • Generate unique names for business rules associated with dynamic shares

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Listed are a few of the Perspectium properties needed for the application:


Used to send messages to Perspectium Integration Mesh to monitor status of the Perspectium for ServiceNow application. 

(info) NOTE: If the Perspectium application cannot connect to the Default Mesh, this values will toggle to true


Specify node to run Perspectium Scheduled Jobs (Warning: Changing from default may affect performance)

(info) NOTE:

  • The value "Default" allows your ServiceNow instance choose which node to run scheduled jobs on
  • This feature is only available on ServiceNow production instances as developer instances only have one node






Deletes messages as soon as they are posted to the Integration Mesh, rather than updating them to sent and letting a different process delete the message. 

(info) NOTE: This can be used under systems with high volume to limit the different processes going to the Outbound Message tables. 







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DataSync for ServiceNow runs several scheduled jobs in the background of your instance. 

However, if Perspectium scheduled jobs start to affect your instance's performance, you may want to stop your Perspectium scheduled jobs and then start them again. Here's how:



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On the resulting page, make sure to read through what will and won't be done. If it all looks good, click Confirm


To use this feature, you will need the Admin role. See ServiceNow Roles on how to assign roles. 


titleView all scheduled jobs


Any MultiOutput jobs you create will also appear here.




To use this feature, you will need the Admin role. See ServiceNow Roles on how to assign roles. 


titleServiceNow table maps





Table maps are typically used in Perspectium Service Gateway integrations. For more information about how to use a ServiceNow table map to transform data being shared out of your ServiceNow instance, see Service Gateway.



Outbound table maps are used to map and/or transform the outbound ServiceNow field data for the replicated records. You should use Outbound table maps if the field names of the replicated record from ServiceNow need to be modified, or if the value of one or more fields needs to be transformed. Once the Outbound table map is configured, it can be assigned to a dynamic share or bulk share by selecting it in the Table Map field on corresponding forms. See Add a table map to your ServiceNow dynamic share/bulk share.

Outbound table maps are utilized and packaged per integration. See ServiceBond for all the different Perspectium supported applications that uses Outbound table maps.  

Inbound Table Maps

Inbound table maps direct messages to an Import Set Table where a ServiceNow Transform Map will do the processing. These configurations are used to map inbound replication messages to a ServiceNow table based on the Topic and Type specified in the message. For example, a record coming in with the “topic=siam” and the “type=common_incident” will be mapped to the “u_psp_common_incident” Import Set Table. The corresponding Transform Map will then process the message appropriately.

Explore these features:


titleAdd a table map to your ServiceNow dynamic share/bulk share


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ServiceNow table maps are typically used in Perspectium Service Gateway integrations to handle the mapping of fields in certain ServiceNow tables as data is shared out of your instance. You can include a table map as part of your ServiceNow dynamic share or bulk share to help with field mappings and data transformation.


titleCreate a ServiceNow table map


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Here's how:


titleAdd a table map to your ServiceNow dynamic share/bulk share


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titleAdd a table map to your ServiceNow dynamic share/bulk share


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titleAdd a table map to your ServiceNow dynamic share/bulk share


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(info) NOTE: If a table map is set, records with an attachment or message size greater than 5 MB will not be shared out due to ServiceNow platform limitations with how large one particular record can be.




titleCustomize your target database schema using table maps


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By default, data replicated from existing tables will automatically create the same schema at the replicated database. The targeted database schema of replication needs to be flexible and customized in certain situations, such as: 

  • An existing schema that the replicated data need to fit in
  • A need to rename the field names or transform the field values using script at the source
  • The resulting field types need to be modified to a specific type or field length

Customizing target database schema is done by using table maps in your dynamic share or bulk share




Code Block
mysql> describe common_incident;
| Field               | Type         | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| state               | mediumtext   | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| short_description   | varchar(160) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| description         | mediumtext   | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| priority            | mediumtext   | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| attachments         | mediumtext   | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| category            | mediumtext   | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| correlation_id      | varchar(100) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| number              | varchar(40)  | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| correlation_display | varchar(100) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| caller_id           | mediumtext   | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| caller_email        | varchar(100) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| caller_full_name    | mediumtext   | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| comments            | mediumtext   | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| sys_id              | varchar(224) | NO   | PRI |         |       |
| work_notes          | mediumtext   | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
15 rows in set (0.00 sec)

(info) NOTE: Even though we specified the number field as the required Sys ID (GUID) field in the table map, the number field does not become the GUID. Instead, the sys_id field is created as GUID (PRI key) and contains number values to be used for lookup during updates/deletes. This is consistent with replicating database views.


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