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Release Date: TBD

New Features

  • Start comparing your records from ServiceNow to a Database with Table Compare by share or by table/condition. With Audit Shares, you can compare records shared by bulk shares or dynamic shares with the records in your database. With Table Compare by Table/Condition, you can compare records that satisfy specified conditions with the same records in your database. You also have the option to be notified of discrepancies when table compare is run. 

  • Enable the Use Delete Recovery Listener feature to ensure that records that may have bypassed the ordinary delete business rule are included in your dynamic share. 

  • You can now ignore specific field mappings in table maps for cases where your conditions aren't met. 

  • Navigate through getting started with the DataSync for ServiceNow application with the Getting Started module. 

  • With the global variable, psp_name, you can change the table name in the name field before the outbound message is sent in a Before share scripts

  • To improve bulk share performance and increase throughput, you now have the option to choose the number of jobs to process the records shared. See Multiple Bulk Share Jobs.


  • When sharing out a database view table via bulk share, there’s a ServiceNow limitation set to 10k records. There is now a warning message that will alert you on how to change that limit.

  • Renamed Perspectium Bulk Share Send Deferred scheduled job to Perspectium Check Deferred Bulk Shares to better reflect functionality.

  • If a queue gets deactivated due to a 401 error, the status field of the queue will display a message explaining why the queue is deactivated. You can also check Perspectium Logs for more details. 

  • Most recent update of a record will be checked for in Table Compare. If the most recent record is not found, the record will be re-shared.

  • You can be notified using ServiceNow email notifications when the Agent or Meshlet has an error processing a record.

  • Scheduled jobs such as Perspectium MultiOutput Processing and Replicator Subscriber will no longer get stuck when no Perspectium properties are populated. 

  • Information message added to further explain the next step when enabling monitoring queues. 

  • Perspectium Data Cleaner (u_psp_data_cleaner) table is added to the Clone Exclude Table (clone_data_exclude). 

  • Added attribute to receipt messages to indicate the receipt has been re-shared. 

  • Counter messages will no longer exceed byte limit.

  • Removed Perspectium tables no longer being used to reduce custom table countu_psp_message_set_activity, u_shared_queue_group, u_psp_repl_reg, u_psp_ets_out_message.

  • Bulk share's timezone will now match the current user's timezone. 

  • Navigate through all of the available outbound messages modules with the Outbound module.

  • Access all sharing options with the Shares module.

  • Troubleshooting features are now accessible in one module: Troubleshooting

  • Features that will be deprecated in future releases, but are still accessible in the application will be accessible through Legacy Features

  • Access all tools features with the Tools module.

  • Added support for sending Troubleshooting Report to another ServiceNow instance in addition to Perspectium Support. 

  • Enhanced list view to better show relevant information for multiple Perspectium tables including dynamic shares, bulk shares, and inbound/outbound messages. 

  • MultiOutput jobs can now be created by outbound queues or outbound table sys_id. 

  • Added property to opt out on updating dynamic share record counts to optimize dynamic share performance.

  • Enhanced installation script to avoid Preview errors upon importing the application's update set. 

  • When using MBS 3.0, you can use the mesh_entry_id field to verify that the outbound message is saved to a file in a queue in the Perspectium Integration Mesh.

Bug Fixes

  • Modifying the encoded query on the business rule the bulk share creates on the shared table will proceed to share all records.

  • Fixed to display proper error message (and not TypeError null) when doing Get Queue Status on a queue where the URL is invalid.

  • Upon creation of a scheduled bulk share, a message will pop up stating the there is another scheduled bulk share running at the given time even though no other scheduled bulk share is running at the same time. This message will no longer appear if there are no other scheduled bulk share running at the same time.

  • If a table map is set in your dynamics share, records with an attachment or message size greater than 5 MB will not be shared out.

  • Showing record encryption key in a default subscribed queue will no longer display an undefined value. 

  • Purge Queue will no longer reset the encryption key in a default subscribe queue.  

  • Emojis will no longer be removed in the outbound messages when at lease one custom schema feature is used (tablename, column_name, _dv suffix). 

  • Creating a group share will no longer exclude tables that was added on top of the template selected. 

  • Fixed inconsistent placement of name field upon creating a new queue. 

  • Fixed previous, i.e. previous.short_description, in before/after share script returning NullPointer Exception and not previous GlideRecord object's properties. 

  • Fixed current, i.e. current.operation(), in before/after share script returning NullPointer Exception and not previous GlideRecord object's properties. 

  • When the Include referenced field records option is enabled, a schema message will now be sent out for referenced tables, i.e. sys_user.schema

  • Improved error notifications to provide better user experience and removed those that are no longer needed.

  • Bulk shares with conditional shares and encryption method set to AES-256 will now use custom encryption keys from the selected shared queue.

  • Embedded Table Maps will no longer have a null value for empty values. 

  • Admin role will no longer be required to run actions for confirmation features, i.e. Finish Install.

  • Scheduled sync up with dynamic share using Flow will now honor conditions applied in the share. 

  • The number of records synced last interval will now only reflect records that are shared. 

  • Records will no longer be created in the u_psp_bulk_share_job when the records are not being used.

Removed Features

  • Ready to Run 

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