To share only certain attachment file types (e.g., .xlsx, .jpg, .csv), you will need list the file types you want to share in the Share Attachments with These File Extensions Only field under the Advanced tab for any dynamic share.


(warning) First, you will need to create a dynamic share.


To specify the attachment file types that you want to share, follow these steps:

Access your dynamic share

Log into your sharing ServiceNow instance and navigate to Perspectium > Replicator > Dynamic Share. Then, click into the dynamic share that you want to include embedded images or videos with.

Click Advanced

Click the Advanced box in the right-hand side of the form. Then, click the Advanced tab to access advanced settings.

Specify file extensions

In the Share Attachments with These File Extensions Only field, list the file extensions that you want to share out of your source instance. Your list of file extensions must be comma-separated and include no dots (.) or spaces.

Click update

Near the bottom left-hand corner of the form (just above Related Links), click Update to save the changes to your dynamic share.