Subscribe allows you to read in data into your DataSync Express instance, notably to synchronize your instance with another instance that is sharing data as well as receiving information back from your DataSync Agent when it runs into issues.


  • You will need to install the Perspectium DataSync Express application.
  • You will need to have a subscribed queue set up. By default, the instance should have a default subscribed queue set up when the application is installed.


To create a DataSync Express subscribe, follow these steps:

  1. In your ServiceNow instance, go to Perspectium > Perspectium DataSync Express > Subscribe.

  2. Select New.

  3. In the Table dropdown, find and select the table which that you want to subscribe data into your ServiceNow instance. 

    Global subscribe is a Subscribe definition that when created, will allow all incoming messages to be subscribed. If there is an existing subscribe definition for a specific table, its definition will override the global definition.

  4. Check the Active box to activate your subscribe. Unselect this option if you do not want the subscribe active to receive data into your instance.

  5. To set the trigger conditions for this subscribe, check the CreateUpdate, and/or Delete boxes, depending on the conditions on which you want your subscribe to run:


    Record data will be subscribed into your ServiceNow instance to...


    create new records into your instance. 



    update current records in your instance.



    delete records that are in your instance


  6. Optionally, configure additional features such as:
    1. Filter conditions
    2. Before/after subscribe scripts
    3. Source table name - To specify a different table name of the record as received in the inbound message that is different from the target table in your subscribe. For example, if the record has <common_incident> as the parent element in the inbound message and your subscribe is for the incident table.
    4. Field prefix - To specify if field names in the target table of your subscribe have a field prefix. This is generally when subscribing into an import set table where the fields would have a u_ prefix. In this case, you would specify the field prefix of u_ so the field values of the incoming record can be read properly. For example, a field in the incoming record would be short_description but in the import set table we set as the target in the subscribe configuration, the field will be u_short_description.
    5. Copy empty fields - If we should copy empty values into the record when saved in the target table. This is most notable when updating a record that already exists as the inbound record may have an empty value for a field but the field currently has a value. For example, if an incident record currently has short_description field with the value of "test" and then the inbound record has no value for short_description, selecting this option will clear out the value. If you do not select this option, the value will not be removed.
  7. Click Submit to save your changes.