The Perspectium update set for ServiceNow comes with several built-in default templates for you to use for your group shares. These templates consist of the most commonly managed service processes and include the following:

Template nameTables included in templateDescription

Incident Management PSP Template

Incident, User, Business Service, Configuration Item, Group, Problem, Change Request, Workflow Activity, Task, Location, Execution Plan Task, Execution Plan, CompanyIncludes data related to interruptions in IT services or reductions in IT service quality

Service Catalog Sync PSP Template

Catalog Item, Variable, Variable Set, Catalog Client Scripts, Catalog UI Policy, Catalog Item Category, Available for Groups, Not Available for Groups, Available for Companies, Not Available for Companies, Available for Departments, Not Available for Departments, Available at Locations, Not Available at Locations, Available for Users, Not Available for Users, Approving Groups, Approving Users, RuleIncludes data related to customer-facing or internal IT services that comprise a typical IT service portfolio

CMDB Analytics PSP Template

Hyper-V Object, Fibre Channel Port, Fibre Channel Port, Fast Search Endpoint, VM User Credentials, Patch, Cisco UCS Equipment, MySQLClusterDataNode, IBM WebSphere MQ, Image, SAP JC Application, Data Power, Switch, Application Cluster, Memory Module, NAS Storage, Cloud Mgmt Network Interface, WMB Flow, Load Balancer VLAN, IBM Mainframe, FTP Endpoint, Agility Endpoint, WeblogicModule, SSIS file Endpoint, Cisco UCS Rack Mount Unit, Exchange Hub Transport Server, MSFT SQL Catalog, iSCSI Disk, Bundled Resources, Load Balancer Interface, Cluster Resource, Facility Hardware, GlassFish WAR Inc, Storage Controller, Docker Local Image, Application Service, Websphere ODR LB, AQ Queue, Volume Template, Operating-system-level Virtualization Image Tag, Tower Light Controller, Weblogic JMS Queue, IIFP Endpoint, UNIX Cluster Node, External Connection Qualifier, Virtual Private Gateway, HPOM Endpoint, Cluster Virtual IP, DB2 Instance, Storage Port, Windows Cluster, Cluster Node, MySQL Slave Server Endpoint, Oracle Metric Server, Qualifier, MongoDB Instance, Docker Engine, LB Cookie Stickiness Policy, JMS Queue, Tibco BW process, Sybase Instance, Translation Rule, Storage Switch, Routing Policy, Oracle Catalog, Mongo Config Server, Oracle Forms UI, Alteon, Exchange Service Component, Cluster, Site Minder, Business Application, Data Power Hosting Server, Customer Gateway Endpoint, Storage Cluster Node, UNIX Cluster, HP Operations Manager, SQL Server Integration Services, Exchange MailBox, Documentum DocBase, Desktop Software, Active Directory Domain Controller, ActiveMatrix Business Works Process, DCTM Index Agent Connection Endpoint, Mongos Server, GlassFish WAR, PostgreSQL DB Endpoint, Data Center Zone, Computer Peripheral, Fibre Channel Export, Computer, HA Proxy, Multi-function Printer, Compute Security Endpoint, JMS Flow Endpoint, Documentum Brava License Server, Bridge Domain, Storage Pool Member, Storage Container, Data Power Domain, IBM WebSphere MQ Queue, Web Application, IP Device, TCP Endpoint, Oracle Essbase Server, VServer Peer, Circuit, Iplanet Web Server, Citrix Delivery Controller Endpoint, Storage Volume, Citrix License server, PostgreSQL Instance, Puppet Master, Network Gear, Windows Domain Controller, ISA Server, VMware vCenter Cluster, Storage Server, epic agent, SAP Application, Power Equipment, Windows Cluster Node, SAP ERS Application, Cisco CSM, Application To Storage Endpoint, EC2 Virtual Machine Instance, CA Introscope Enterprise Manager, Interconnect Instance, Citrix StoreFront App Icon Inc, MQ Flow Endpoint, Simulation Inclusion, File System, Tuxedo, UNIX Daemon, Oracle ESB, Outlet, CA Enterprise Communicator, AJP Endpoint, Cloud Monitor Alarm, Firewall Hardware, ExchangeHub, ExchangeFrontEndServer, AD Domain, Virtual Desktop, Inclusion Endpoint, Installed Bundles, Groundwork, Windows Server, Exchange 2013 Endpoint, Netapp Datacenter, Weblogic JMS Server, MSMQ Flow Endpoint, Apic Host, Parallels, Storage Area Network, Docker Container, VMware vCenter Datastore, VirtualMachine to ESX Storage Endpoint, SAN Zone Set, Route Table, Windows Service, Cloud Subnet, SharePoint, Snapshot Template, Oracle OAFM Server, Cloud Monitor Notification, Oracle Metric Client, F5 BigIP GTM, Storage Efficiency Template, Cloud Load Balancer, Oracle Notification Server, Datastore, Azure Datacenter, Storage Default Template, Advanced Queue Endpoint, ACE, Application Software, FTP Server, Webseal, Storage Export, Subnet Endpoint, FromCluster_to_RabbitMQ Endpoint, KVM Storage Pool, Virtualization Server, Simulation Inclusion Endpoint, SQL Server Integration Services Job, Operating-system-level Virtualization Container, Database Instance, Computer Room, Directory Server, Network Template, CTG Endpoint, Hyper-V Resource Pool Component, Modem Hardware, EJB Endpoint, POP3 Endpoint, SMB File system, Cisco CallManager, Tibco Conf File Endpoint, Weblogic Module, Sun LDAP Server, Tower Lights, Inter connect, Enterprise Vault, External Network Endpoint, Microsoft iis Web Server, Storage Access Policy, MQ Cross-memory Endpoint, F5 BigIP LTM, Citrix XenAPP or Presentation Server, Sun Directory Proxy Server, Netware Server, Disk, Storage Disk, SAP System, NAT Gateway, Load Balancer Application, Veritas Disk, AIX Server, SAP Business Objects CMS server, Environment, Operating-system-level Virtualization Engine, Group, Router Endpoint, Printer, Hyper-V Cluster, ISCSI Endpoint, Hardware Type, MAPI-HUB Endpoint, IP Server, SAP SCS Application, RabbitMQ Endpoint, ServiceNow Application, XenApp or Presentation Server Components Endpoint, Advanced Queue Queue, RabbitMQ Queue Endpoint, SNAT IP Pool, Cluster Node Resource, Internet Gateway, Cloud Topic, Plotter, UPS Input, Computer Room AC, Load Balancer, IIS Website, SSIS job, Qtree, Oracle DB schema inclusion, Netapp SVM, Jrun, Cloud DB Instance Inclusion, Jrun WAR Inc, Port, Uninterruptible Power Supply, Communication Device, Boundary Connection Qualifier, Virtual Private Cloud, CA eTrust Directory Server, Cloud WebServer, Jboss module, NFS Endpoint, Intrusion Detection System, Tracked Configuration file, Cisco Apic, VMware Distributed Virtual Switch, Storage FC Connectivity Endpoint, HAProxy Load Balancer, Weblogic Module Server, SAN Zone, Database, Buildings, Oracle iAS Web module, WBEM Service, UPS Output, NFS File system, Model Entry, Imaging Hardware, Apic Tenant, XenApp or Presentation Server, Vignette Server, Tomcat WAR, JavaServer, Print Queue, VMware Virtual Machine Template, RabbitMQ, Oracle HTTP Server, StoreFront Components, Cloud LB IPAddress, Solaris Virtual Machine Instance, XenApp or Presentation Server Endpoint, Domino, Vignette Content Management Server, VMware Distributed Virtual Port Group, Dynamic Scaling Policy, Out-of-Band Device, Direct Current Plant Equipment, Storage Device, Batch Job, Storage Node, IP Phone, Storage File Share, Tower Beacon, Mirror Template, Automatic Transfer Switch, DB2 Catalog, LDAP DB EP, SAP CI Application, Veritas Disk Group, Route, VMware vCenter Datacenter, F5 BIG-IP, Direct Current Plant Battery Bank, Oracle Report Server, IP Service Instance, Virtual Private Network, SAP APP Endpoint, Exchange Mailbox Server, SAN Fabric, Connect-It Service, ITAM Asset Center, MySQL Server Endpoint, Compute Security Group Template, Vignette Search Starter, Cloud Key Pair, RAID, Oracle DB Endpoint, Entrypoint Marker, Oracle Forms Engine, JES, FDDI Cards, Manual Endpoint, SAP BO Servers, VMware vCenter Instance, Hyper-V Resource Pool, Web Service, Logical Datacenter, Mainframe Hardware, Load Balancer Listener, MySQLClusterMGMNode, Policy Server, JBoss, Infrastructure Service, Jboss Module Inclusion, Oracle Process Manager, MQ Endpoint, Linux Server, Logical Partition, Tibco Adapter, Tower Equipment, LDAP Service, Multipath IO Pool Path, GlassFish, Network ACL Rule, Inter connect Endpoint, Availability Set, SSIS Endpoint, Manual CI Endpoint Qualifier, Websphere EAR, SAP Hana Db, IP Firewall, VMware vCenter Network, Delivery Controler, Network Load Balancer, Route Table Endpoint, Generic Application, ExchangeBackEndServer, Server Snapshot, Display Hardware, .NET Application, Cisco UCS Chassis, EMS Queue, Sybase Endpoint, Storage Mapping, SSAS Endpoint, Nginx Web Server, SAN Endpoint, Cisco CSS, MS SQL db inclusion, Personal Printer, Business Service, A10 Load Balancer, HTTP Listener to WMB Dependency Endpoint, Protection Template, Performance Template, BizTalk, Weblogic LB, Network Policy Group, VMware, Load Balancer Service, Load Balancer Pool, DB2 UDB Endpoint, UPS, Surger Protection Equipment, ACL Endpoint, Package, EMS JNDI Endpoint, Management Server, Composer, Hardware, UPS Bypass, ESX Resource Pool, VMware Network Adapter, Virtual Machine Instance, Scaling Policy, Load Balancer Pool Member, Oracle Discoverer Engine, Block Endpoint, Monitoring Equipment, Openstack Datacenter, epic cache, Network, RabbitMQ Cluster, Storage Pool, Veritas Subdisk, IBM zOS server, Jrun WAR, Weblogic, Internet Gateway Endpoint, BizTalk Inclusion, Operating-system-level Virtualization Image, SAP ASCS Application, VNIC Endpoint, LB Backend Server, Fast Search, Enterprise Vault Endpoint, Printing Hardware, Web Site, Customization Spec, Hyper-V Server, MS SQL Server Endpoint, SharePoint Service, Zones, Personal Computer, StoreFront Components Endpoint, Disk Partition, Manual Connection Qualifier, Oracle iAS, SAN Zone Alias Member, Cloud Public IP Address, Solaris Server, Tibco Hawk Endpoint, Oracle Fulfillment Server, Oracle Instance, Veritas Plex, Schedule Policy Template, Power Generator, MAPI Endpoint, Simulation, Hyper-V Virtual Network, Oracle RAC DB Endpoint, MQ Queue, Modjk Load Balancer, Network Endpoint, Docker Image, Fibre Channel Disk, Fuel Tank, SAN Export, epicd app server, Application Server, Hyper-V Virtual Machine Instance, Inetinfo service, VMware Virtual Machine Instance, Hidden Connection Qualifier, VMware vCenter Server Object, HVAC Equipment, Accessory, App Icon Inc, SAP HANA DB Endpoint, IP Address, Simple Scaling Policy, Remedy HSServer, Active Directory Service, UPS Alarm, Tuxedo Portal, KVM Virtual Machine Instance, DNS Name, KVM, Rack, Documentum Broker, CIM Server, SAP Business Objects, Cloud Messaging Service, Monitored Service, IIS Virtual Directory, VMware vCenter Object, Agility Process, ActiveMatrix Business Works, SAN Zone Alias, HP Quality Center, Citrix Netscaler, Virtual Server Array, Virtual Private Gateway Endpoint, HPUX Server, SQL Server Analysis Services, SSIS for MSSQL Endpoint, SAP Application Server, Documentum Brava Job Processor, SAN Disk, Alias, UNIX Cluster Resource, LB Datacenter, MSMQ, SAP DI Application, HTTP(S) Endpoint, Netapp CDOT, Network Adapter, OS/X Server, Oracle Discoverer UI, KVM Storage Volume, Tomcat Connector, LDAP DB, Radware Load Balancer, LVM Pool Member, CIM Profiles, Storage HBA, Router, Availability Zone, HP Service Manager, HP SM KnowledgeBase, Peoplesoft Application Server, Web Server, Cloud Storage Account, Software, SAP BO BOXIScheduleRouter, EMS Endpoint, KVM Object, Wireless Access Point, Tibco Hawk, Remote Backup Template, iSCSI Export, MySQL Catalog, Multipath IO Pool, Oracle Database Listener, LVM Pool, Peoplesoft Application Server Endpoint, Sharepoint connection Endpoint, Tibco File Listener Endpoint, MySQL Instance, Oracle ESB Connection Endpoint, Endpoint, IBM CTG, SMTP Endpoint, IBM Websphere, VPN Connection, AWS Account, CA Identity Manager Provisioning Server, PDU, DNS Alias, Application Network Profile, IBM Mainframe LPAR, ISAM Server, Docker Image Tag, Compute Security Group, Cisco GSS, UNIX Server, Sybase Catalog, SAN Zone Member, Server Tape Unit, Outbound Cluster Endpoint, IP Router, BizTalk Connection Endpoint, MS SQL Server, Sendmail, IP Switch, Exchange Edge Transport Server, Oracle App TNS Service, Tomcat, NAT Endpoint, MS SQL DataBase, HP SM Index Server, Storage Cluster, Application, Host Cluster, Cloud Directory, Oracle TNS Listener Engine, Tower, Citrix Application Icon, LIF, Exchange Client Access Server, Dynamic CRM Component, IBM WebSphere Message Broker, HBase Instance, Network Appliance Hardware, Email Server, Server Hardware, Websphere Cell, Port Group, SQL Server Reporting Services, SAN Connection, SAP Application Server Endpoint, Business Objects CMS Server Endpoint, IP Network, JMS Server Endpoint, Network Traffic, Cloud Resource Base, Storage Volume Snapshot, Business Capability, WMB Flow EP, Remote TCP Cross-memory Endpoint, Business Service Group, Virtual Machine Object, IMAP Endpoint, F5 Mirror Endpoint, Infrastructure Software, WMB Dependency Endpoint, HP uCMDB, AWS Datacenter, Customer Gateway, Virtual Machine Template, CSU/DSU, Configuration file, Cloud IP Address, Oracle Concurrent Server, SAP BO Servers Endpoint, Load Balancer Template, Tibco BW Endpoint, Oracle iAS Module INC, Netapp Volume, Cisco UCS Blade, Citrix Collector, Oracle OACORE Server, J2EE EAR, Oracle App TNS Service EP, DocBase Connection Endpoint, Network Hostname, Epicd Endpoint, Cisco Fibre InterConnect, Business Process, Vendavo Application Server, ESX Server, BizTalk Orchestration, SSAS for MSSQL Endpoint, Lotus Domino HTTP Server, DCTM Job Processor Endpoint, RAID Member, Veritas Volume, WAN Accelerator, MySQL Cluster Data Node Endpoint, Virtual Machine HyperVisor, Server Array Launch Configuration, Cloud Network, Windows Cluster Resource, Websphere Portal, Hub Hardware, RabbitMQ Queue, MSFT SQL Instance, Multipath IO Pool Group, Operating-system-level Virtualization Local Image, NAS File System, Active Directory Domain to Domain Controllers Endpoint, Network Appliance Hostname, Azure Subscription, Tibco Enterprise Message Service, Scanner, EMS Queue EP, Active Directory Forest Endpoint, Outage, RFC Endpoint, Simulation Endpoint, Datastore Disk, ServiceNow Application Component, EBS Inc Modules, ModProxy Load Balancer, IBM WMB Http Listener, AD Service inc, DCTM Connection to broker Endpoint, Cloud Mgmt Subnet, VMware vCenter Folder, Database Catalog, SharePoint Service EP, IBM CICS, Cloud DataBase, ITAM Asset Center Endpoint, NNTP Endpoint, MySQL Cluster MGM Endpoint, LDAP Endpoint, Tomcat WAR Inclusion, CRM Component Endpoint, AD Forest, Cloud App Server, Apache Web Server, Server Chassis, Server, Mass Storage Device, Network ACL, Nginx Load Balancer, Resource Group, IIFP, Control-M, Data Center, Storage Node Element

Includes data typically found in a configuration management database (CMDB) to be used for the analysis of IT configuration items

In addition to these built-in templates, you can also create a template for your group shares with custom specifications by following the steps in the procedure below


To create a group share template, follow these steps:

1. Log into your ServiceNow instance and navigate to PerspectiumGroup Share > Create New Template or simply type Group Share and then click Create New Template under the Group Share module.

2. In the Name field, type any name for for your template. Then, type a Short description for your template that briefly describes your template's intended purpose or use(s).

3. At the right-hand side of the form, check the Active box to make your template selectable when creating group shares.

4. At the bottom of the search form under Available, type the names of the tables you want to add to your template in the search window. Then, either double-click the table names or select your desired tables and then click the  button to add them to the Selected list.

5. After adding all of the tables you want for your template, click the Submit button at the bottom right-hand corner of the form to save your custom-created group share template.

(info) NOTE: Be sure to run the Perspectium finish install script if committing your update set containing custom-created group share templates to other instances. 

Next steps

Create a new group share

Modify a group share template

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