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Release Date: TBD

New Features

  • Start comparing your records from ServiceNow to a Database with Table Compare by share or by table/condition. With Table Compare by Share, you can compare records shared by bulk shares or dynamic shares with the records in your database. With Table Compare by Table/Condition, you can compare records that satisfy specified conditions with the same records in your database.

  • Enable the Use Delete Recovery Listener feature to ensure that records that may have bypassed the ordinary delete business rule are included in your dynamic share. 

  • You can now ignore specific field mappings in table maps for cases where your conditions aren't met. 


  • When sharing out a database view table via bulk share, there’s a ServiceNow limitation set to 10k records. There is now a warning message that will alert you on how to change that limit.

  • Renamed Perspectium Bulk Share Send Deferred scheduled job to Perspectium Check Deferred Bulk Shares to better reflect functionality.

  • If a queue gets deactivated due to a 401 error, the status field of the queue will display a message explaining why the queue is deactivated. You can also check Perspectium Logs for more details. 

Bug Fixes

  • Modifying the encoded query on the business rule the bulk share creates on the shared table will proceed to share all records.

  • Fixed to display proper error message (and not TypeError null) when doing Get Queue Status on a queue where the URL is invalid.

  • Upon creation of a scheduled bulk share, a message will pop up stating the there is another scheduled bulk share running at the given time even though no other scheduled bulk share is running at the same time. This message will no longer appear if there are no other scheduled bulk share running at the same time.

  • If a table map is set in your dynamics share, records with an attachment or message size greater than 5 MB will not be shared out.

  • Showing record encryption key in a default subscribed queue will no longer display an undefined value. 

  • Purge Queue will no longer reset the encryption key in a default subscribe queue.  

  • Emojis will no longer be removed in the outbound messages when at lease one custom schema feature is used (tablename, column_name, _dv suffix). 

New Features


  • The DataSync Agent Installer will now use HTTPS as a protocol by default in <message_connection>

  • Snowflake DataSync Agent will automatically have parameter values to default to uppercase characters after installation. 

  • Choosing Manual Configurations in the DataSync Agent Installer will prompt you to contact Perspectium Support for a guided step. 

  • If the agent.xml file is invalid (i.e. bad file format, missing field characters, etc),  an error message will now display on the log with a description of the error.

  •  Check the fields values if the updated time is the same from the previous share in your DataSync Agent with <skip_duplicates check_all_fields=”true”/.

  • When a table already exists upon an integration, the new reference fields will now have length of 32.

Bug Fixes

  • Error when inserting/updated a record into a SAP HANA table that has 2 billion+ rows because of metadata query.

  • The attribute, use_basic_consume, in the agent.xml will reflect on the protocol given upon the configuration in DataSync Agent installer. 

  • Emojis will no longer be removed in incoming messages to the DataSync Agent when at lease one custom schema feature is used (tablename, column_name, _dv suffix). 

  • After deleting a field from a ServiceNow table, the old value of that field will no longer be inserted into the database. 

Removed Features

  • Removed the following DataSync Type options in the DataSync Agent Installer that are no longer being used: Rabbit MQ and Other.  


  • Outbound messages now contains the following attributes: RecordId, UpdatedOn, and ModCount. 

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Can't find the feature you're looking for?  

See release notes for earlier releases.

var box = document.getElementById("release-box"); = "none";