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While it is recommended that one Perspectium Meshlet run per machine, multiple meshlets can be installed as services on the same machine for multitenancy.

(info) NOTE: If you are already have a meshlet installed and need to update the meshlet, please uninstall the meshlet service first as described below.

For any issues regarding JStack, contact Perspectium Support.


(warning) First, contact Perspectium Support to get the install-multitenant-meshlet-service zip installation file. 

Installing Multitenant Meshlet as a service

To install the meshlet as a service in your Windows or Linux machine, follow these steps: 

Windows Install

Open File Explorer and find the folder where install-multitenant-meshlet-service is located, i.e. C:\Users\username\Downloads\. 

Then, right-click the folder and select Extract All

Open up a Command Prompt and run as an Administrator. For example, type cmd in the Windows search window and right-click on Command Prompt and select Run as administrator.

In the Command Prompt, change your directory to the location where the install-multitenant-meshlet-service zip was extracted to.

For example C:\Users\username\Downloads\install-multitenant-meshlet-service.

cd ..\..\Users\username\Downloads\install-multitenant-meshlet-service

Install the meshlet as a service that you want to run on this machine by entering the following commands:

install-multitenant-meshlet-service.bat -m application/version/meshlet.jar -c application/ -e environment_name

Replace the following path with: 

application/version/meshlet.jarMeshlet jar locationIvanti/Gold_5.0.12/perspectium-meshlet-ivanti-user-5.0.12.jar
application/meshlet.zipMeshlet zip folder location Ivanti/

(Optional) Specifies an environment for the meshlet 

This is a way to label what type of meshlet it is (i.e. it's a production, test, dev meshlet) for informational purposes only and is used to create the folder structure where the meshlet is installed.


(warning) Contact Perspectium Support for the proper links for the meshlet and configuration to be installed. 

Installing Ivanti User Meshlet as a service example:

install-multitenant-meshlet-service.bat -m Ivanti/Gold_5.0.12-111111111/perspectium-meshlet-ivanti-user-5.0.12.jar -c Ivanti/ -e Production

(info) NOTE: The meshlet will be installed in the C:\Perspectium-<Configuration>-<Environment_Name> directory where <Configuration> is the name of the configuration file specified without the file extension and <Environment_Name> is the name of the environment.

Using the above Ivanti User meshlet example, the meshlet would be installed in C:\Perspectium-Ivanti-User-Production\ (<Configuration> of and <Environment_Name> of Production). If no <Environment_Name> is specified, then it will be installed in C:\Perspectium-<Configuration> i.e. C:\Perspectium-Ivanti-User.

Go to Windows Services and start the service for the meshlet (e.g. Perspectium Ivanti User Meshlet service).

Open File Explorer and find the folder where install-multitenant-meshlet-service is located, i.e. C:\Users\username\Downloads\. 

Then, right-click the folder and select Extract All

Open up a Command Prompt and run as an Administrator. For example, type cmd in the Windows search window and right-click on Command Prompt and select Run as administrator.

Then, install the meshlet by issuing the following command in your terminal: 

install-multitenant-meshlet-service -m meshlet_jar_name.jar -n meshlet_service_name

Replace the following path with: 

meshlet_jar_name.jarMeshlet jar nameperspectium-meshlet-jira-change-5.0.10.jar

Meshlet service name 

(info) NOTE: This is a way to label what type of meshlet it is (i.e. it's a production, test, dev meshlet) for informational purposes only and is used to create the folder structure where the meshlet is installed.


Installing Jira Change Meshlet as a service example:

install-multitenant-meshlet-service -m perspectium-meshlet-jira-change-5.0.10.jar -n jira-change-prod

(info) NOTE: The meshlet will be installed in the C:\Perspectium-<Configuration>-<Environment_Name> directory where <Configuration> is the name of the configuration file specified without the file extension and <Environment_Name> is the name of the environment.

Using the above Ivanti User meshlet example, the meshlet would be installed in C:\Perspectium-Ivanti-User-Production\ (<Configuration> of and <Environment_Name> of Production). If no <Environment_Name> is specified, then it will be installed in C:\Perspectium-<Configuration> i.e. C:\Perspectium-Ivanti-User.

Go to Windows Services and start the service for the meshlet (e.g. Perspectium Ivanti User Meshlet service).

Linux Install

In each meshlet directories, copy install-multitenant-meshlet-service at the same level as the meshlet jar file. 

Issue the following command in your terminal to make install-multitenant-meshlet-service executable: 

chmod +x install-multitenant-meshlet-service 

(info) NOTE: The meshlet service file should be on the same level as the jar file. 

Install the meshlet as a service that you want to run on this machine by entering the following commands:

sudo ./install-multitenant-meshlet-service.bat -m application/version/meshlet.jar -c application/ -n meshlet-service-name

Replace the following path with: 

application/version/meshlet.jarMeshlet jar locationIvanti/Gold_5.0.12/perspectium-meshlet-ivanti-user-5.0.12.jar
application/meshlet.zipMeshlet zip folder location Ivanti/

Specifies the name of the meshlet service

This is a way to label what type of meshlet it is (i.e. it's a production, test, dev meshlet) for informational purposes only and is used to create the folder structure where the meshlet is installed.


(warning) Contact Perspectium Support for the proper links for the meshlet and configuration to be installed. 

Installing Ivanti User Meshlet as a service example:

install-multitenant-meshlet-service.bat -m Ivanti/Gold_5.0.12-111111111/perspectium-meshlet-ivanti-user-5.0.12.jar -c Ivanti/ -n Ivanti-User-Prod

(info) NOTE: The meshlet service name will be prepended by psp-meshlet-, i.e., psp-meshlet-<meshlet_service_name>.

After installation, you can now run the meshlet by issuing the following command in your terminal: 

sudo /etc/init.d/psp-meshlet-jira-change-prod start

To stop the meshlet service, you can use the following command in your terminal:

sudo /etc/init.d/psp-meshlet-jira-change-prod stop

To get the status of the meshlet service, you can use the following command in your terminal:

sudo /etc/init.d/psp-meshlet-jira-change-prod status

To restart the meshlet service, you can use the following command in your terminal:

sudo /etc/init.d/psp-meshlet-jira-change-prod restart

In each meshlet directories, copy install-multitenant-meshlet-service at the same level as the meshlet jar file. 

Issue the following command in your terminal to make install-multitenant-meshlet-service executable: 

chmod +x install-multitenant-meshlet-service 

(info) NOTE: The meshlet service file should be on the same level as the jar file. 

Then, install the meshlet by issuing the following command in your terminal: 

sudo ./install-multitenant-meshlet-service -m meshlet_jar_name.jar -n meshlet_service_name

Replace the following path with: 

meshlet_jar_name.jarMeshlet jar nameperspectium-meshlet-jira-change-5.0.10.jar

Meshlet service name 

(info) NOTE: This is a way to label what type of meshlet it is (i.e. it's a production, test, dev meshlet) for informational purposes only and is used to create the folder structure where the meshlet is installed.


Installing Jira Change Meshlet as a service example:

sudo ./install-multitenant-meshlet-service -m perspectium-meshlet-jira-change-5.0.10.jar -n jira-change-prod

(info) NOTE: The meshlet service name will be prepended by psp-meshlet-, i.e., psp-meshlet-<meshlet_service_name>.

After installation, you can now run the meshlet by issuing the following command in your terminal: 

sudo /etc/init.d/psp-meshlet-jira-change-prod start

To stop the meshlet service, you can use the following command in your terminal:

sudo /etc/init.d/psp-meshlet-jira-change-prod stop

To get the status of the meshlet service, you can use the following command in your terminal:

sudo /etc/init.d/psp-meshlet-jira-change-prod status

To restart the meshlet service, you can use the following command in your terminal:

sudo /etc/init.d/psp-meshlet-jira-change-prod restart

Uninstalling Multitenant Meshlet as a service

To uninstall the previously installed service for a meshlet, follow these steps: 

Windows Uninstall

Open up a Command Prompt and run as an Administrator. For example, type cmd in the Windows search window and right-click on Command Prompt and select Run as administrator.

In the Command Prompt, change your directory (cd) to the location of the meshlet application folder. By default the meshlet is installed in the C:\<meshlet_name>\src\main\resources when installed using the above steps. For example, if the meshlet is installed in C:\perspectium-Ivanti-Incident\src\main\resources:

cd C:\perspectium-Ivanti-Incident\src\main\resources

Then, uninstall the meshlet by running the following command:


(info) NOTE: The meshlet remains installed on the machine if you want to run the meshlet manually in the foreground.

Linux Uninstall


(info) NOTE: This feature will only uninstall the meshlet service that the uninstall command is called for. It will not uninstall other meshlets.

To uninstall the meshlet service, you can use the following command in your terminal:

sudo /etc/init.d/psp-meshlet-meshlet_service_name uninstall

Where psp-meshlet-meshlet_service_name is the name of the service as previously installed in the Linux Install section above.

Using the example from the Linux Install section above where we installed the meshlet with the name jira-change-prod (and as the installation mentions above, the actual meshlet service name will be prepended by psp-meshlet-, i.e., psp-meshlet-jira-change-prod), this command would be: 

sudo /etc/init.d/psp-meshlet-jira-change-prod uninstall

The uninstall feature will remove all files related to this particular meshlet service only. This includes:

  • The meshlet service's scripts (start, stop and uninstall) as located in /usr/local/bin. This includes the uninstall script so you cannot run uninstall again on this particular meshlet service unless you install it again. Scripts for other meshlet services in /usr/local/bin are not affected.
  • The meshlet's init script in /etc/init.d
  • The meshlet's application files
    • If you ran the online installation of Linux Install, then this deletes the meshlet's application folder and its files as found in /opt (i.e. /opt/perspectium-JiraChangeMeshlet-jira-change-prod)
    • If you ran the offline installation, this only deletes the meshlet's application files in the folder where you put the meshlet's application files. It does not delete the folder since that folder was created by you (and not the meshlet service) prior to installing the meshlet.
  • No labels