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The following is a simple example of a Sharer Handler. We'll use this example as a means to outline how the framework is used to create a handler.

import com.perspectium.api.Message;
import com.perspectium.logging.PerspectiumLogger;
import com.perspectium.replicator.ASharer;
import com.perspectium.replicator.AgentConfig;
public class EchoSharer extends ASharer {
    final static PerspectiumLogger Log = PerspectiumLogger.create(EchoSharer.class);
    private static final String DEFAULT_ECHO_TEXT = "Hi there - this is an echoed message ";
    private static final String ECHO_MESSAGE = "echo_message";
    private static final String ECHO_ITERATIONS = "echo_iterations";
    private Message fMessage;
    private String fEchoText;
    private int fEchoIterations = 1;
    public void processMessages() {
        try {
            for (int iteration = 1; iteration <= fEchoIterations; iteration++) {
                String text = fEchoText + " " + String.valueOf(iteration);
      "publishing text: " + text);
                fMessage = new Message.Builder()
  "task: %s echoed %s message(s) to the queue: %s",  fTaskName, fEchoIterations, fQueueName));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Log.error("Error:" + e.getMessage());
    public void initialize(final String taskName) {
        fEchoText = AgentConfig.getStringValue(fTaskName, ECHO_MESSAGE);
        if (fEchoText == null)
            fEchoText = DEFAULT_ECHO_TEXT;
        if (AgentConfig.taskHasElement(fTaskName, ECHO_ITERATIONS))
            fEchoIterations = AgentConfig.getIntValue(fTaskName, ECHO_ITERATIONS);

The EchoSharer class extends the abstract class ASharer which is required for all Sharer handlers. The Sharer handler must implement the processMessages() method, which will be called by the framework when the task is scheduled to run.


The initialize method will be called with the taskName string set to the value of <task_name> directive defined within the conf/agent.xml configuration file. Perform any configuration validation to ensure everything is setup prior to the processMessages() method being called.

As you can see in the example, we accept two configuration directives being added within our <task> configuration. They are <echo_message> which accepts arbitrary text which will be the message we echo and <echo_iterations> which is an integer representing how many times we want to echo our message. For example:

<echo_message>This is a simple message that is being shared or echoed.</echo_message>

As you can see in the initialize method code example, you can use the AgentConfig.taskHasElement method to determine if your section of the overall configuration contains a given directive. You pass in your task name which acts an an index to your tasks configuration. Furthermore, you can use either the AgentConfig.getIntValue(fTaskName, CONFIGURATION_DIRECTIVE) or AgentConfig.getStringValue(fTaskName, CONFIGURATION_DIRECTIVE) to access the values of an integer or string based type respectively.

As you can see, we just assume the <echo_message> will be provided and if it's not then we set a default message. Our approach for how many iterations is to assume it won't be configured so we establish a default and then override it if required. This example is contrived simply to show some available options.

Best practice is to throw a ConfigurationException if you can't establish a solid starting state within your initialize method. Otherwise your class should be ready for its processMessages method to be called.


As you can see, our Sharer class simply Shares a configured message or the default message a configured number of iterations or just once. What's important is the use of the framework's publish method. The signature of the method is publish(Message message) where message is the Message that will be published. The framework takes care of getting the message into the Persepectium message bus within the default outbound queue or the queue defined using the <amqp_queue> directive within your <task> configuration. The framework also handles encryption of the message prior to being placed into the Message bus and reporting of message statistics such as its size.

That's it! You've successfully created a Sharer handler which when executed by the Replicator Agent will push your messages into the Message Bus for consumption by a Subscriber. Let's now write the Subscriber that will consume our echoed message(s).

Subscriber Code Example

The following is a simple example of a Subscriber Handler which will consume any messages echoed by our EchoSharer example.

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