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The Perspectium application involves the transfer of data from a sharing instance flowing into a subscribing instance via the Integration Mesh. For this to happen, you need to set up both a shared queue on your sharing instance and a subscribing queue on your subscribing instance. 

If you haven't set up these queues yet, please find more information and instructions to do so here.

Once you have set up these shared and subscribed queues, and have configured how your data will be shared from your sharing instance, you must also configure how your subscribing instance will consume the shared data. This is done in the Subscribe module through the use of scripts. 

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titleWhat's on this page?

Table of Contents

Here are the ways in which you can use the Subscribe module to configure your ServiceNow subscribe instance. 

Subscribers are application instances or Perspectium-supported agents that listen for and then consume data from sharing instances.

The Subscribe module (under PerspectiumDataSync) allows you to set up the configurations for a subscribing action on data that is being shared from other applications, databases, or agents.

(info) NOTE:


Global subscribe is a Subscribe definition that when created, will allow all incoming messages to be subscribed. If there is an existing subscribe definition for a specific table, its definition will override the global definition.

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Before and after subscribe scripts

Once you have configured


a ServiceNow instance as a subscriber

Set up a subscribe action and a subscribed queue that will allow shared data to arrive at your ServiceNow instance

, you can use before/after subscribe scripts to customize how the data will be consumed and stored in your subscribing ServiceNow instance. 

Before subscribe scripts

These scripts are created with server-side JavaScript and will execute right before a record insert or update, allowing the chance to modify the record before persisting. Within your before subscribe script, you have access to the following variables:



currentRecord that is being inserted or updated
repl_grTemporary inbound record. Will be mapped to repl_gr by default.
gr_beforeRecord before any update is made to it. If the record doesn't exist (i.e., for an insert), then this variable will be assigned to current.
qcurrentRecord within the psp_in_message table (pulled from the Perspectium Mesh). Use the message's key value to determine its source.
ignoreCan assign a value of true in order to stop the execution of the subscribe
qcurrentxmlHolds the xml object of the inbound record
xml_utilHolds an xml utility for working with qcurrentxml

After subscribe scripts

These scripts are also created with server-side JavaScript and will execute right after a record from a sharing instance is synced on the subscribing instance. Within your after subscribe script, you have access to the following variables:



currentRecord that was inserted, updated or deleted, the destination record
qcurrentRecord within the psp_in_message table (pulled from the Perspectium Mesh). Use the message's key value to determine its source.
qcurrentxmlHolds the xml object of the inbound record
xml_utilHolds an xml utility for working with qcurrentxml
subscribe_grHolds the GlideRecord object corresponding to the subscribe record configuration itself (You can use subscribe_gr.getTableName() to access the name of the table you're trying to insert)

Create before and after subscribe scripts

Here's how to create these scripts:

  1. Log into your sharing ServiceNow instance that is sharing to the subscribing instance you want to configure, and go to Perspectium > DataSync > Subscribe.

  2. In the resulting page, find and select the subscribe record that you want to configure.

  3. In the resulting subscribe record, click the Filter and Enrichment tab. You should see the Before subscribe script and After subscribe script fields.

  4. Use the available fields to enter your desired scripts. See below for some examples. Once you're done, click Update

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Examples of before and after subscribe scripts

Below are some examples of scripts you can use to achieve specific results:

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titlePopulate the data using the incoming key

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Perhaps you are receiving data from multiple sources and you want to denote the source in some manner. You can use the qcurrent.key value when updating your record.

The following script prefixes the short description with the key

Code Block
current.short_description = qcurrent.key + " - " + current.short_description;

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titleMap data within a record

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For example, to set the short_description field to the incoming record's number field, you would do this:

Code Block
current.short_description = repl_gr.number;

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You can use dot-walking to display values from a referenced field.

For example, if you were subscribing to a ticket record, in the before subscribe script text box, you can reference a field by using the following script:

Code Block =

This will display the display_value versus just the sys_id.

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titleUse gr_before to fire an Event

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For the case where you are updating a record that already exists in the system, “gr_before” is a GlideRecord object for this record before doing the update. This is useful for when you want to compare a record's values as they currently exist in the system with the values in the incoming record (repl_gr) and do any processing as a result.

For example, to fire the incident table's event when the assignment group is changed (the “” event as specified in the incident table's “incident events” business rule), you would do the following:

Code Block
if (gr_before.assignment_group != repl_gr.assignment_group) {
  gs.eventQueue("", current, current.assignment_group, previous.assignment_group.getDisplayValue());

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titleUse ignore

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For example, the following script from a ticket subscribe will ignore a specific ticket with the number value of TKT0010001.

Code Block
if (current.number == "TKT0010001") {
    ignore = true;

You can also filter records from different instances by checking the key value. For example, the following script will ignore any records with the key value of “dev14945”.

Code Block
if (qcurrent.key == "dev14945") {
    ignore = true;

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titleRun script before a Delete

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Support has been added so you can run script before doing a delete such as inserting a record into another table. In these cases you should use “repl_gr” to access the incoming record in case the incoming record doesn't exist in the instance.

For example, say you receive a delete but you want to insert a record into another table instead, and not do an actual delete:

Code Block
var tgr = new GlideRecord("incident");
tgr.short_description = repl_gr.short_description + " new";
ignore = true;

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titleFire replication through subscribe

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There are some cases where you want to replicate a message right after Subscribing it in. In most cases you can select “Run Business Rules” to treat this replication as a normal record transaction and our Dynamic Share's Business Rule should fall in line. If however you cannot use this on the Subscribe than you can execute the following command.

Code Block
var pspRepl = new PerspectiumReplicator();
//sys_id of desired Dynamic Share
pspRepl.shareRecord(current, "incident", "bulk", "d24f961b4f043200daa12ed18110c72d");
ignore = false;

This is essentially the code that gets executed from the Business Rule for a Dynamic Share. With this you will put in the current record, the table name, the flag “bulk”, and the sys_id of the Dynamic Share you want this to route through.

It is also important to add in the (ignore = false;) statement to the Subscribe. There are cases where the execution of the Dynamic Share's “Before Share Script” can cause the Subscribe to skip the update. Adding in this command will ensure the record gets committed to the Subscribing instance.

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titleMaintain a column's value

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If you want to lock a column from being changed through the Subscribe you can put in the following line to set this column to it's “previous” value. Effectively setting it to itself so any change coming in won't take affect.

Code Block
current.short_description = gr_before.short_description;

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titleAccess the XML object of the inbound record

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For cases where the inbound record is different from the subscribing table (i.e. it has extra fields that the table on the subscribing instance doesn't have), you can now reference the XML object directly using the qcurrentxml variable.

The xml_util variable allows you to access values from the qcurrentxml object using getElementValueByTagName() function. This functions takes in two parameters, the XML object (qcurrentxml) and the name of the field in the XML.

For example, if you want to access the 'dv_priority' field's value in the XML and save it into the inbound record's short_description field:

Code Block
if (qcurrentxml) {
    var elemValue = xml_util.getElementValueByTagName(qcurrentxml, 'dv_priority');
    current.short_description = elemValue;


We suggest that you check if qcurrentxml exists in case of any issues decrypting the value and getting the XML object.