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Common Document

Date ReleasedVersionTypeChangeProduct(s) Affected
August 23, 2018Dubnium (4.2.0)EnhancementUpdated Form View to display fields in the following organized groups: Core Fields, User/Group References, Time/Dates, System Fields, and OtherAll
Bug FixScripts added to Common Transform field maps so User Reference fields map properlyAll
Bug FixAll Common Document import set table field lengths match corresponding tables to prevent truncation during mappingsAll
May 30, 2018Carbon (4.1.0)Bug FixPSP Common Incident import set table's close_notes field length changed from 40 to 4000 to match incident tableCommon Incident
April 1, 2018
Bug FixUse gs.generateGUID() to generate new sys_id instead of -1 as instances may save record with -1 sys_id instead of generating new oneAll
February 8, 2018BismuthEnhancementTransform map coalesce on sys_id or correlation_id script to bettersupport bi-directional insert and updatesAll
December 21, 20173.29.0Bug FixCheck for blank email when adding approvers in PerspectiumApprover script includeCommon Endpoint
Bug FixNumber format exception when adding number fields in PerspectiumRecurringPrice and PerspectiumRequestedItem script includesCommon Endpoint
Bug FixCorrect field name, problem_id, called in incident PSP Common Problem to Problem transform scriptCommon Problem
New FeatureCommon attachment for large attachmentsAll
Bug FixTagging embedded record in PerspectiumIncident script includeCommon Endpoint
EnhancementCoalesce on sys_id in import set transform mapAll
EnhancementChange module name to Perspectium Common DocumentsCommon Endpoint
October 5, 2017Argon
Initial ReleaseAl

Observer / Dashboard

Date ReleasedReleaseTypeChange
August 23, 2018DubniumBug FixObserver, Replicator Share, and Replicator Subscribe's dropdowns are now sorted alphabetically in Dashboard
Bug FixDashboard now works on Internet Explorer 11
Bug FixPerspectium logo appears when loading Dashboard on Internet Explorer 11
May 18, 2018CarbonEnhancementadded scrolling to submenus so that they are always visible and don't disappear from the screen
Feb 8, 2018BismuthBug Fixbroken pie charts
December 21, 20173.29.0Bug Fixdates in the future Download Reports Calendar are accessible
Bug Fixenlarged logo appears when loading Dashboard
Bug FixReport Category removed from Toolbox
Bug FixAdd Toolbox button does not appear on pages where it serves no functionality
October 25, 20173.28.0New Featurerange selector for downloading reports
October 5, 2017ArgonNew Featuretour of the dashboard application
August 11, 20173.25.0Enhancementdashboard to be consistent with Observer's text fields on the bottom of the page
Bug FixDashboard navigates to the incorrect Observer page when accessed through the Replicator Subscribe/Share pages
Bug Fixnewly created users now able to log in
Bug Fixdefault windows will now populate the home page if empty.
Bug Fixchange password options no longer fail
July 19, 20173.24.0Bug Fixdefault windows will now populate the home page if empty
Enhancementadded link to Observer on Dashboard with list of Observer instances
Enhancementdropdown menus in Dashboard are now in alphabetical order
Bug Fix“Unable to load Users” error when loading settings page
Bug Fixsign-on error for users with one instance in their family
June 27, 20173.23.0Enhancementadded Replicator window as default window to home page
Bug Fixmade menu and refresh page options have the same appearance and animation style
June 5, 20173.22.0Enhancementdisabled home page tutorial from loading each time upon login
Enhancementsupport closing Toolbox on home page when opened
New Featureadded wiki help link on bottom of Dashboard's homepage
May 11, 20173.21.0Bug Fixan issue with records and months not showing in correct order
Bug Fixpie charts are displaying bytes and not records for weekly/monthly
Bug Fixthe button “Go to instance” on each dashboard window now goes to the correct page
Bug Fixheading displaying incorrectly when in light theme
February 16, 20173.18.0New Featurereport page to download Replicator data
Bug Fixgauges now display correctly in Dashboard windows
Bug Fixthe button “Go to instance” on each Dashboard window now goes to the correct page
Bug Fixmissing Perspective from the dropdown menu now appears correctly
January 20, 20173.17.0Bug Fixwindows not resizing properly on expanding browser window
EnhancementDashboard Settings dropdown stays displayed on the page when scrolling up/down
December 14, 20163.16.0Bug Fixencoding errors preventing charts from displaying
October 28, 20163.15.0Bug Fixmonthly Subscribe/Share data is now sorted by month and year to prevent chart errors
New Featureadded a tutorial to the home page
September 30, 20163.14.0Enhancementadded default windows to the dashboard home page
September 2, 20163.13.0New Featuresupport a logout option
New Featureshow which user is logged in
New Featurecustomizable landing page that allows users to create their own home page
August 15, 20163.12.0Bug Fixauthentication no longer repeatedly fails when loading “records by type”
EnhancementRecord type errors separated by type for Replicator Share and Replicator Subscribe pages
June 17, 20163.10.0New FeatureSupport for changing themes
April 22, 20163.8.0New FeatureSupport login and changing password
January 5, 20163.3.0EnhancementDashboard automatically refreshes all windows every five minutes by default
EnhancementButton provides automatic refresh options and displays the refresh interval

Known Issues


Date DetectedRelease(s) AffectedIssueFixed in Release
11/28/2017[[argonArgon (3.27.0)Pie charts data might not display correctly for Subscribe and ShareArgon (3.27.3)
02/12/20173.15.0+Dashboard navigates to the incorrect Observer page when accessed through the Replicator Subscribe/Share pages3.25.0
01/09/20173.17.0Upon logging out of Dashboard, the user is required to enter login credentials twice3.18.0
01/11/20173.17.0The server response time data in the availability might not be displayed correctly on Dashboard3.18.0
12/05/20163.14.0+The Settings icon is not selectable when scrolling near the bottom of the Dashboard page3.17.0
12/05/20163.14.0+Upon resizing the Dashboard browser, the Dashboard windows do not properly expand back to original size3.17.0