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Bulk shares send records out of your

A bulk share is a job that sends out bulk records from your ServiceNow instance as a pre-filtered range of data, all at once. The data is shared to a subscriber, which can be another instance of ServiceNow, the DataSync Agent, or any number of the other applications that Perspectium can integrate with.

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Table of Contents

Bulk shares can contain certain conditions and can also be scheduled to run in a specific order, at specific times. Bulk shares bulk share job in ServiceNow can share multiple tables through ServiceNow's table hierarchy, run through advanced filters and scripts, share out related/auxiliary records, and more.

To access bulk shares, go to Perspectium > Perspectium Core > Shares. Then, click Bulk Share.

Create a bulk share

Creating and configuring a bulk share begins with completing a new record form where you'll indicate various actions and behaviors that you want the bulk share to take on. 


New Bulk Share 

Creates a new bulk share record with this module. 

View Bulk Share 

View and manage bulk share records with this module.

Data obfuscation 

See obfuscation rules created for dynamic shares and bulk shares. 


  1. In your ServiceNow instance, go to Perspectium > Perspectium Core > Shares (using the left-side filter navigator).

  2. Select Bulk Share.

  3. Select Create New Bulk Share.

  4. Enter a name of your new bulk share in the Name field.

  5. In the Table dropdown, find and select the table which includes the data that you want to bul share out of your ServiceNow instance. 

  6. Use the Encryption Method dropdown to select a method to encrypt the data. 

    Cipher options include:

    Encryption Method

    Dynamic shared data will...

    TripleDESbe encrypted with Triple DES.

    be encrypted with AES-128.


    be encrypted with AES-256.

    (info) NOTE: To ensure AES-256 encryption for your data, you will need to create an encryption and decryption key with at least 32 characters in the PSP Properties module.

    Base64 Encode Onlyhave Base64 encoding only.

    not be encrypted.

  7. Click the Search icon next to the Target queue field and in the Queues popup, select the shared queue that you want to bulk share your record data to.

  8. (Optional!) There are various additional settings that can further customize and enhance your bulk share, such as limiting the number of records shared, sharing table records only (and not child records), and more. Explore all of these optional features here

  9. Once all settings have been configured, click Save.

  10. To run the bulk share immediately, go back to your new record and click Execute Now. Alternatively, you can choose to run the bulk share at a specific time or set intervals by creating a scheduled bulk share.


To bulk share tables that are in a scoped application, you may need to alter the table's Application Access. Scoped applications may restrict access to their tables in which case you will need to alter a scoped application table for bulk sharing.

Create a scheduled bulk share

Schedule one or more bulk shares to run at a time you choose, whether its one time, on a regular basis, or at a custom timeframe. Here are the options for scheduled bulk shares: 

  • Daily 
  • Weekly 
  • Monthly 
  • Once at a specified time 
  • Periodically at a specified time (custom)
  • On demand (immediately) 

Creating a scheduled bulk share is done by adding a bulk configuration as a child record to be run under a specific schedule. In other words, this is a setting that you add to an existing bulk share. This should not be used in conjunction with dynamic shares to avoid any redundancy in data sharing. 

Here's how to setup scheduled bulk shares in ServiceNow:

  1. In your sharing ServiceNow instance, go to Perspectium > Perspectium Core Shares > Scheduled Bulk Share > Create New Scheduled Bulk Share.

  2. In the resulting form, enter any name in the Name field.

  3. Use the Run dropdown to specify when you want your scheduled bulk share to run. If selecting a Run option where a time of day should be specified, then type the hours, minutes, and seconds in each respective Time field.

  4. Once all of your desired fields are complete (some may be greyed out), click Submit.

  5. Now, click View Scheduled Bulk Shares and select the share you just created.

  6. The Number of bulk shares to run simultaneously field may have been previously greyed out, but it shouldn't be anymore. In this field, type a number to specify how many bulk shares you want to run at the same time. This is useful if you don't want all the bulk shares listed in this scheduled bulk share to try and run immediately based on the number of scheduled workers you have available. 


    The maximum value that can be entered is based on the value selected in the global percentage of workers property. For example, if you have two nodes and the default eight workers per node with the global property at 50%, then the maximum value allowed will be 8. 

    The value entered here will override the global property and apply only for this scheduled bulk share. If no value is entered, then the global percentage of workers property is used to determine the number of bulk shares in this scheduled bulk share that will be run concurrently taking into account other scheduled bulk shares that may be running as well.

  7. In the Bulk Shares table, click New. This will take you into a new bulk share form to create a new bulk share with the schedule configuration. Alternatively, you can click Edit to add a previously created bulk share.

  8. (Optional!) If you want to control the order of when each bulk share is executed, you can specify which order the bulk share will run with the order field within the bulk share.

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  9. Click Update

Cancel a bulk share

You may want to cancel a bulk share for good, or just for the purpose of pausing it temporarily to modify the query or configure additional options. Whatever the reason, here's how to cancel a bulk share:

  1. In your sharing ServiceNow instance, go to Perspectium > Perspectium Core Shares > Bulk Share > View Bulk Shares.

  2. Find and click into the bulk share (the clickable timestamp) that you want to cancel (or "pause").

  3. In the resulting bulk share record page, scroll to the Related Links section, and click Cancel

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