Replicating to an Import Set allows you to transform records from one source table on the sharing instance to a different table on the subscribing instance.

With this, you can bridge two different tables, manipulate the data, or remedy different schemas across your instances.

To demonstrate how this works, we'll use the example of transforming incoming ticket table records to replicate as records in the incident table.

Create DataSync Share Configuration

The first step is to create a DataSync share configuration for the source table on the sharing instance, if one has not been created yet (in this case, a share configuration will be created for the ticket table). Configure this share as you desire with the one exception being to select the “Update or Insert” option instead of selecting the “Create” and “Update” options each separately:

This is an important technical detail, since we want to make sure messages are routed to the Import Set table appropriately on the destination side.

Create Import Set Table

Table Setup

  1. Create an import set table on the subscribing instance which will transform records from the incoming source table to the destination table. This table is where incoming data will be staged before being transformed into your final destination table.

    For our example, we will create a table called u_incident_import that will transform incoming ticket records to incident records. 

  2. In this table, you should select Import Set Row as the value for the Extends table option.

Table Columns

  1. In the Columns tab, define the columns that will be transformed from the incoming source table to the destination table. Click New to add a new column and click on any of the hyperlinked values to edit their type.

For our u_incident_import table example, we want values in the Short Description and Assigned To fields to be transformed from the ticket table to the incident table. You'll want to create additional columns in this table for any columns that you want mapped over. 

Below is an example of the resulting column names for each table:

Sharing InstanceImport Set TableDestination Table

You should use the appropriate Column Types for each (e.g., Reference to sys_user for u_assigned_to, Date/Time for u_opened_at). The column names for the Import Set Table are described in the Subscribe Field Mapping section below.

Handling sys_id and sys_updated_by

  1. Create two custom columns in the import set table for the sys_id and sys_updated_by fields. Name the fields in the Import Set as u_sys_id and u_sys_updated_by as shown in the table above. Ensure that the sys_id field is set to String type of length 32.

    This will ensure the values coalesce correctly and the user updates are tracked correctly. Having these mapped over correctly is necessary for related tables (such as sys_journal_field) to show up properly.

Import set table example:

Here's what this import set table would look like for our u_incident_import example:

Create DataSync Subscribe Configuration


Next, you need to create a DataSync subscribe configuration for the newly created import set table. Here's how:

  1. From the Table dropdown, select the table you want to use as the destination table. In our example, it's the u_incident_import table.

  2. Click on the Trigger Conditions tab.

  3. Enter your original source table name in the Source table name field. In our example, it's ticket

  4. In the Field prefix field, enter u_. However, if you are replicating custom fields, you would leave this field blank to avoid the custom field being replicated as u_u_custom_field.

  5. Check the Run business rules box - this will automatically transform the data once it hits the Import Set table .

  6. Check the Override system fields box.

  7. (Optional) Check the Copy empty fields box.

Subscribe example:

Subscribe field mapping

In our incident import example, the table has the following columns:

Sharing InstanceImport Set Table

This naming convention, paired with the correct Subscribe configuration, will allow the values to be properly mapped over. For example, the table tells the incoming ticket record for short_description in the source table to look for u_short_description in the Import Set table, and the incoming ticket record for u_custom_field to look for the Import Set Table u_custom_field.

If you do not, or cannot, name your columns appropriately, you can take advantage of the Before Subscribe Script portion to manually assign the values.

Create Transform Map

In your left-side navigator, type transform map and open the Transform Map table. These mappings are what transform data from your import set table into the final destination table (in our example, u_incident_import to incident)

Base Transform Map

  1. Create a base transform map and name it appropriately.

  2. In the Source table dropdown, select the correct import set table. In our example, it's u_incident_import.

  3. In the Target table dropdown, select the correct destination table. In our example, it's incident.

  4. Check the following boxes:

    • Active
    • (Optional) Run business rules - for if you want to run Business Rules (for validations, notifications, SLA)
    • (Optional) Copy empty fields - for if you want to be able to set values to empty 


This option will determine whether the incoming logic will insert or update a record. By default, Perspectium's Common Document format accounts for this. However, if you are creating an import set/transform map from scratch, you should check this box. Learn more about coalescing strategies here.


This option allows you to adjust which user is making updates. Without adding a user, your records will show as being updated by the "system user". This feature is useful for auditing and comment/activity log purposes. Learn more about impersonating strategies here.

Field Mappings

Under the Related Links, click on Auto map matching fields. This will automatically map fields you created in the import set table to related fields in the destination table. In the Field Maps tab below, make sure that the entry for sys_id has Coalesce set to true, since this is what ServiceNow uses to determine whether to insert or update. 

Extra Configurations

You've done everything you need to replicate to an import set! Below, you can find some extra/advanced configurations. 

Prevent looping

By default, Perspectium automatically adds a parameter to records that are being updated via Subscribe, so dynamic shares do not replicate these records. This prevents two instances which are bi-directionally replicating each other from getting into a loop of receiving an update and immediately firing an update back. 

When replicating to an import set table, you can perform this same step to achieve the same effect. Here's how:

  1. In the transform map, scroll down and click on the Trasform Scripts tab. 

  2. Click the OnBefore script.

  3. In the script, issue the following statement:

(function runTransformScript(source, map, log, target /*undefined onStart*/ ) {
	target.psp_subscribed_record = true;
})(source, map, log, target);

This will tell the dynamic shares to skip processing this record. You do not need to create a psp_subscribed_record on your target table - this parameter would just be discarded by ServiceNow when the transaction is complete.

Modify data

Considering our example with mapping ticket records to the incident table, the current configuration has it mapped one-to-one. This script is executed within the Field Map script, but you can achieve the same effect by adding something similar int he Before Subscribe script.

The script shown below strips off the TKT prefix of the ticket number and replaces it with the INC prefix for the incident number.

Replicate reference fields

When replicating from another ServiceNow instance, and you're mapping a reference field, you may want to set the Choice Action to ignore and use the following script to set the field:

target.problem_id = source.u_problem_id;

In this example, we're mapping the u_problem_id field of the import set (source) table to the problem_id field of the incident (target) table. Since import set tables are meant for reading from external sources, ServiceNow has an issue reading data from another ServiceNow instance into an import set table, a duplodate referenced record (problem) may be created without adding the above script. See Transform Map Scripts for more information on using transform map scripts and referencing source and target.

Replicate Complementary Records

If your destination table has sys_audit and sys_journal_field records that you want to be accurately reflected (such as for the incident table with work notes and comments), then you need to modify their DataSync subscribe configurations to work with our import set table.

Here's what you'll want to add to the Before Subscribe scripts:


var jgr = new GlideRecord(;
if (jgr.get(current.element_id)) {
  var psp = new Perspectium();


var jgr = new GlideRecord(current.tablename);
if (jgr.get(current.documentkey)) {
  var psp = new Perspectium();

Additionally, for the sys_audit subscribe configuration, add the condition so that it only runs when the received message is directed to the desination table, and it's a work note or comment:

Doing so will ensure that comments and work notes will be reflected accurately in the destination table to avoid duplicate entries or other issues.

sys_journal_field and sys_audit

If journal field/audit records are not being reflected correctly when replicating into your import set table (for example, work notes or comments not showing in an incident record's history), then try changing the sys_audit subscribe configuration's Before Subscribe script to the following:

var jgr = new GlideRecord(current.tablename);
if (jgr.get(current.documentkey)) {

In some cases, the refreshing history set used in the previous code snippet may not work correctly. Using the script above instead will force the record to update properly in order to show journal field/audit records in the table's record. 

Coalescing failing

Within ServiceNow, sys_id coalescing will fail under certain unknown circumstances for updating. ServiceNow has identified this issue, and although the insert will work properly, sometimes it will try to insert the record again on an update, causing it to fail.

Apply the following script as a workaround. In the base transform map record, check the Run script box and insert the following script:

(function transformRow(source, target, map, log, isUpdate) {

	 *  Manually coalesce ourselves to determine if the record exists, and if so manually
	 *  perform the update.  If the record does not exist run transform as normal for insert.
	 *  See: PRB639910
	var gr = new GlideRecord(target.getTableName());
	gr.addQuery('sys_id', source.u_sys_id);
		ignore = true;
		for(var f in target){
			gr[f]= target[f];
		//Insert as normal

})(source, target, map, log, action==="update");

This code will essentially perform the coalescing manually. If the record does not exist, it will perform the standard transform map insert. If the record does exist, it will manually perform the update. It will also copy over anything you've done within the onStart, onBefore, or Field Mapping portions of the transform map.