After running a ServiceNow to Database table compare, you can view your results, including the total records compared, records not found in the target database that were shared by the ServiceNow instance or the records not deleted in the target database that were shared out as deleted. A quick summary of previous table compares that have run will also be available with the table provided in the Previous Table Compare Executions section. 

Additionally, you can run a report with your table compare results. 


(warning) Create and run a ServiceNow to Database table compare by share or by table/condition

Viewing table compare results 

To view your table compare results by share or by table/condition, follow these steps:

Access ServiceNow to Database Table Compare

Navigate to Perspectium > DataSync > Tools. Click Table Compare: ServiceNow to Database. Then, click the table compare you want to view: Audit Shares or Compare Records by Table/Condition.  

View Previous Table Compare Executions 

Scroll down to the Previous Table Compare Executions table. This table will provide you with a quick summary of previous tables compares that have run.

Click the timestamp in one of the entries to view more information about that specific table compare execution such as the bulk shares or dynamic shares involved, the table and conditions used, the time frame, and the individual discrepancies in the target database. 

The following is an example for Audit Shares

The following is an example for Compare Records by Table/Condition:


To run a report for your table compare results by share or by table/condition, follow these steps: 

Access ServiceNow to Database Table Compare

Navigate to Perspectium > DataSync > Tools. Click Table Compare: ServiceNow to Database. Then, click the table compare you want to view: Audit Shares or Compare Records by Table/Condition.    

Export the results

Scroll down to the Previous Table Compare Executions table. At the end of the table, there are options available to export the table data as a CSV or a PDF.

(Optional) View results in u_psp_table_compares

You can go to the Table Compares (u_psp_table_compares) table directly to view records or run your own reporting

(info) NOTEThe u_psp_table_compares table is set up with a preconfigured table rotation; the table will be rotated every week and will store up to 10 rotations.