MultiOutput jobs is an advanced capability for DataSync for ServiceNow so we recommend running this through your test environment first.
It is important to know that the purpose of these strategies is to send outbound messages with multiple jobs without any overlap in data transit.
NOTE:Original Job
The original job Perspectium MultiOutput Processing will go through each queue without any encoded query within it. If you do go down this path, you should either modify or de-activate this job to make sure your jobs are each processing their own subset of data.
You may place a X at the start of the name (XPerspectium MultiOutput Processing) to avoid the job from being auto restarted from the Start All Jobs. Follow Perspectium Update Set Releases to maintain these jobs.
Dot Walking
From an optimization standpoint, we do not recommend dot-walking with the queries. I.E. do not pass in an encoded query like:
var encodedQuery = "u_target_queue.u_nameLIKEdev18450" var psp = new Perspectium(); psp.processMultiOutput(encodedQuery);
Overloaded Scheduler
A ServiceNow production instance will generally have 4 nodes that can execute 8 jobs each for a total of 32 available workers, so you can create a job per queue. Jobs can vary from a bulk share or a single MultiOutput processing.
e aware of the total available workers on your instance. For example, you should not create 16 individual MultiOutput processing jobs on a 4 node instance, doing so may take 16 of the 32 available workers and accelerate your processing. Thus, be aware of the environment of your instance to avoid affecting the job processing.