Perspectium DataSync Agents support the replication of data from your app to an Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3 bucket, or an AWS S3 Subscriber Agent. By configuring your AWS S3 Subscriber Agent, data from your app can be replicated and then saved as either .json or .xml file(s) in your AWS S3 bucket.
First, you will need to set up the Perspectium DataSync Agent.
You should also stop running your DataSync Agent before making any Agent configuration changes.
The DataSync Agent supports saving records into files that can be pushed to AWS S3 buckets as follows:
- One Record Per File - Each record is saved into its own file
- Multiple Records Per File - Multiple records are saved into a file before a new file is created and you can control the max number of records or the maximum file size along with separating the files by table
- One File for All Records - All the records of a batch, regardless of which ServiceNow table it belongs to, will be saved into one file for pushing to an AWS S3 bucket
See the Sample Configurations section for sample configurations for each.
To configure your DataSync Agent to run as an AWS S3 Subscriber Agent, follow these steps:
Add the following .jar files to your DataSync Agent's extlib directory:
joda-time (v2.10.3)
aws-java-sdk-core (v1.11.729)
aws-java-sdk-kms (v1.11.729)
aws-java-sdk-s3 (v1.11.729)
While newer versions may work, they have not been tested and it is suggested you use the versions listed above which have been confirmed to work with this release.
Navigate to the directory where you saved your agent.xml file when installing your DataSync Agent.
Open your agent.xml file in a text editing application and delete the following directives nested within the <task> tag:
- <database_type>
- <database_server>
- <database_port>
- <database_user>
- <database_password>
- <database_parms>
- <database_column_max_size>
- <database>
Locate the <task_name> and <handler> directives nested within the <task> tag and update their values as follows:
Directive | Update value to... |
<task_name> | s3_agent_subscribe |
<handler> | com.perspectium.replicator.file.S3Subscriber |
Within the <task> tag, nest the following directives for how you want to configure saving to AWS S3. You can configure to save one record per file, multiple records per file and all records in one file. See the Sample Configurations below for a sample configuration for each option.
Directive | Description | Required? |
<access_key> | Access Key associated with your AWS account
| Yes, ONLY when the DataSync Agent is not installed on an EC2 instance. |
<secret_access_key> | Secret Access Key associated with your AWS account
| Yes, ONLY when the DataSync Agent is not installed on an EC2 instance. |
<use_instance_credentials/> | Checks the IAM roles on an EC2 instance and uploads to the S3 bucket if the instance has the correct permissions
| No |
<region> | Region that your AWS S3 bucket resides in
| No |
<s3_bucket> | Name of your AWS S3 bucket, including subdirectories if desired, to specify where the records will be uploaded e.g. bucketName/folder1/folder2. For example, with <s3_bucket>psp-bucket</s3_bucket> will save records into the psp-bucket S3 bucket. With <s3_bucket>psp-bucket/datasync-agent/tables/$table</s3_bucket> configured, if an incident record is being processed and uploaded to the AWS S3 bucket, then the record will be saved in the psp-bucket S3 bucket and in the /datasync-agent/tables/incident directory in that bucket, creating the directories datasync-agent, tables and incident automatically.
| Yes |
<file_format> | Format you want to save your data records in e.g., json or xml | Yes |
<s3_bucket_encryption/> | To use AWS server-side encryption when pushing files to the S3 bucket. Configuring this option will have the Agent request S3 to encrypt the data at rest using S3's built-in functionality. | No |
Additional directives supported:
Directive | Example | Use | Setups Supported | Required? |
<file_prefix> | <file_prefix>record_</file_prefix>
You can modify yyyyMMdd with another date format of your choice. For example, hourly will need a yyyyMMddHH value. For other date format, see Date Format. <file_prefix>$table_$d{yyyyMMdd}_</file_prefix> | A prefix for the file name of each record. If this directive is not specified, “psp.replicator.” will be used as the prefix. | One Record Per File Multiple Records Per File | No |
<file_suffix> | <file_suffix>.xml</file_suffix> | A suffix for the file name of each record. If this directive is not specified, “.json” will be used as the suffix. | One Record Per File Multiple Records Per File | No |
<files_directory> | For Linux: <files_directory>/Downloads/subscribefiles/</files_directory> For Windows: <files_directory>Users\Downloads\subscribefiles\</files_directory>
| The directory that contains where files will be saved locally before they are pushed to Azure Blob Storage. If not specified, files will be saved in the files directory where the Agent is installed i.e. <Agent_Installed_Directory>/files | One Record Per File Multiple Records Per File One File for All Records | No |
<buffered_writes> | <buffered_writes>250</buffered_writes>
| The maximum number of records to write in one file. Once this max has been reached, this will close the current file and create the next file for writing data. This configuration is used only in the multiple records per file and one file for all records setups. | Multiple Records Per File One File for All Records | Either <buffered_writes> or <file_max_size> is required |
<file_max_size> | <file_max_size>50KB</file_max_size>
| Sets the maximum size for each file. Once the maximum size has been reached, a new file will be created using the current timestamp as specified in the <file_prefix> directive. This configuration is used only in the multiple records per file and one file for all records setups.
| Multiple Records Per File One File for All Records | Either <buffered_writes> or <file_max_size> is required |
<valid_json_file/> | Available in Lithium 9.0.2 and newer This feature will only work when the <file_format> configuration is specified as json | Add this directive if you want to create JSON files that are valid JSON files i.e. JSON files that are JSON arrays with records separated by commas such as: [ {"field1":"record1val1", "field2","record1val2"} ,{"field1":"record2val1", "field2","record2val2"} ,{"field1":"record3val1", "field2","record3val2"} ] By default (if this directive is not specified), the Agent creates JSON files so each JSON record is on its own line, similar to how CSV files contain a CSV record on each line. Using this feature will allow you to create the JSON file as a JSON array of the records so the file will be considered a valid JSON file. | Multiple Records Per File | No |
Save the changes you've made to your agent.xml and close the file.
After configuring your agent.xml file to support your AWS S3 Subscriber Agent, start running your DataSync Agent again.
Sample Configurations
You have three different ways of saving files that are then pushed to AWS S3 buckets. Below is a sample configurations for each along with details. In all examples, files will be named with a <randomized_unique_identifier> value (such as 00b470b7-901c-4447-9316-023a265d632f) to ensure there are no file naming collisions when saving to the S3 bucket.
One Record Per File
In this setup, each record is saved into its own file that is then pushed into the AWS S3 bucket.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <config> <agent> <share /> <subscribe> <task> <task_name>s3_agent_subscribe</task_name> <message_connection password="password" user="user">https://<customer></message_connection> <instance_connection password="password" user="user">https://<instance></instance_connection> <handler>com.perspectium.replicator.file.S3Subscriber</handler> <decryption_key>My special key for decrypting the data</decryption_key> <access_key>AccessKey</access_key> <secret_access_key>SecretAccessKey</secret_access_key> <region>us-west-2</region> <s3_bucket>examples3bucket</s3_bucket> <file_format>json</file_format> <file_prefix>record_</file_prefix> <file_suffix>.json</file_suffix> <files_directory>datasyncfile/azureblobfiles</files_directory> <one_record_per_file/> </task> </subscribe> <polling_interval>40</polling_interval> </agent> </config>
In this case, each record will be saved in its own file named <file_prefix><randomized_unique_identifier><file_suffix>. Using the above configuration example, a file would be named record_00b470b7-901c-4447-9316-023a265d632f.xml.
Multiple Records Per File
In this setup, multiple records are saved into a file before a new file is created. This way we're creating batches of records in one file so we're not creating too many files while also not creating files that are too large as well. This option also allows you to specify multiple records of one table into their own files so each file can only contain multiple records of the same table i.e. one file only contains incident records, one file only contains ticket records, etc.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <config> <agent> <share /> <subscribe> <task> <task_name>s3_agent_subscribe</task_name> <message_connection password="password" user="user">https://<customer></message_connection> <instance_connection password="password" user="user">https://<instance></instance_connection> <handler>com.perspectium.replicator.file.S3Subscriber</handler> <decryption_key>My special key for decrypting the data</decryption_key> <access_key>AccessKey</access_key> <secret_access_key>SecretAccessKey</secret_access_key> <region>us-west-2</region> <s3_bucket>examples3bucket</s3_bucket> <file_format>json</file_format> <file_prefix>$table_$d{yyyyMMddHHmm}_</file_prefix> <file_suffix>.json</file_suffix> <files_directory>datasyncfile/azureblobfiles</files_directory> <buffered_writes>300</buffered_writes> </task> </subscribe> <polling_interval>40</polling_interval> </agent> </config>
In the above example, we specify the files to be named <file_prefix><randomized_unique_identifier><file_suffix> which in this case will be based on the table and a datetime value that is today's date with the current hour and minutes, while saving up to 300 records per file using the <buffered_writes> configuration. Once the <buffered_writes> maximum has been reached, a new file at that datetime with a new randomized_unique identifier will be created.
NOTE: <buffered_writes> and <file_max_size> are used while processing each batch of records of records the Agent pulls down from MBS. As the Agent processes each batch, it will push the files created from this batch of records to the AWS S3 bucket and then repeat the process with the next batch of records it pulls down from MBS, creating new files with new <file_prefix><randomized_unique_identifier><file_suffix> names. So this means that there may be files that have less records than <buffered_writes> or smaller in size than <file_max_size> that are pushed to the AWS S3 bucket. For example, if incident records are shared and the Agent processes them in two different batches, this will result in files named:
See the <buffered_writes> and <file_max_size> configurations above for more information.
One File for All Records
In this setup, when the Agent receives a batch of records from MBS, all the records, regardless of which ServiceNow table it belongs to, will be saved into one file that is then pushed to AWS S3. This process is repeated each time the Agent receives a new batch of records from MBS (which is controlled by your <polling_interval> configuration for how often the Agent polls MBS for another batch of records).
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <config> <agent> <share /> <subscribe> <task> <task_name>s3_agent_subscribe</task_name> <message_connection password="password" user="user"></message_connection> <instance_connection password="password" user="user"></instance_connection> <handler>com.perspectium.replicator.file.S3Subscriber</handler> <decryption_key>My special key for decrypting the data</decryption_key> <access_key>AccessKey</access_key> <secret_access_key>SecretAccessKey</secret_access_key> <region>us-west-2</region> <s3_bucket>examples3bucket</s3_bucket> <file_format>json</file_format> <files_directory>datasyncfile/azureblobfiles</files_directory> </task> </subscribe> <polling_interval>40</polling_interval> </agent> </config>
The files saved in the AWS S3 bucket will be named <task_name>.<randomized_unique_identifier>.<file_format>. Using the above configuration example, a file would be named s3_agent_subscribe.00b470b7-901c-4447-9316-023a265d632f.json and then this file would be pushed into your AWS S3 bucket.