Release Date: TBD
Bug Fixes |
Fix decrypt value to show properly for outbound base64 encoded restore message. |
Avoid race condition of multiple .ack messages updating to table compare execution records by using separating saving .ack messages and processing the received count against the table compare execution. |
Enhancements |
For restore (optional Archive Data feature), support sending out conditions for pattern and regex matching and not suggest scheduled sharing if condition contains Updated field and suggest scheduled sharing. |
Only delete table compare executions older than 60 days (and not scheduled table compare configuration records) from u_psp_table_compares table (versus rotating every 70 days all records in this table).
Release Date: September 30, 2024
Enhancements |
Create shared queue and bulk share when setting up application and configuring application for first time. |
Default to AES-128 as encryption method when creating new bulk shares and dynamic shares |
Send application type in heartbeats to help Perspectium Support with troubleshooting. |
Update EULA module link to new Perspectium legal website. |
Remove Clone bulk configuration option when creating new bulk share since this bulk share hasn't been save into the system yet (so nothing to clone). |
Bug Fixes |
Encryption key length not being checked correctly when saving a shared queue that is used in a bulk share with AES-256 encryption. |
Fix for Dashboard to show hourly data in Record Breakdown chart when current time is in the midnight hour. |
Release Date: September 11, 2024
Enhancements |
Add new Encrypt on Send option for encrypting entire batch sent to MBS due to ServiceNow GlideEncrypter deprecation. See ServiceNow Encryption Options for more information. |
Bug Fixes |
Fixed logging showing Malformed UTF-8 data trying to decrypt error when subscribing to a record in an instance where Base64 Encode Only selected as encryption method on sharing instance. |