Dynamic shares offer many different options to configure how you want to share data from your instance. These options include:

Share updates since then

This option on the Simple view (and found under the Runtime Settings tab of the Standard view), this option will bulk share only records that meet any conditions you specify in the bulk share and have been updated since the last time the bulk share is run. This option is useful if you have this bulk share as part of a scheduled bulk share and only want to share records updated since the last time the bulk share was run.

On the first run of the bulk share, it will share all records based on the conditions you set.

Limit number of records shared

Found under the Runtime Settings tab of the Standard view, this option limits the bulk share to only share the number of records you specify here. The value entered here should be a whole number (i.e. 1, 1000, 5000, etc). This is useful for testing if you don't want to share out all records that meet your bulk share's condition but want to share out a smaller subset to test a DataSync Agent saving data to a target database.

Run schedule

Found under the Runtime Settings tab of the Standard view, this option is to relate the bulk share to a scheduled bulk share so the bulk share can continuously be executed.

Insert Only

Found under the Runtime Settings tab of the Standard view, this option when selected will share out all records as .insert instead of .bulk. By sharing out as .bulk, the DataSync Agent, meshlets and other Perspectium ServiceNow applications will check if a record exists and if so, update it.

Otherwise, the record will be inserted. By sending it out as .insert, the record will always attempted to be inserted without checking if it exists.

(info) NOTEThis improve performance but does lead to errors if the records do already exist. Take note of this when using this option.

Share schema

Found under the Advanced tab of the Standard view, this option will share out a .schema message at the beginning of the bulk share with the table's schema. This is useful if your DataSync Agent, meshlet or other target application is not able to connect to this sharing ServiceNow instance to get the table's schema.

Include history set

Found under the Miscellaneous tab of the Standard view, this option will share out the related sys_history_set and sys_history_line records for the table specified in the bulk share.

Run as

Found under the Advanced tab of the Standard view, this option will execute as the user you select here. By default, the bulk share runs as the system user.