You can specify users in your ServiceNow instance who will receive email notifications about errors and other events within the DataSync application, including errors with the DataSync Agent. To configure notifications within your Perspectium solution, navigate to Perspectium > Control and Configuration > Troubleshooting > Error Notification.
Perspectium notifications are created as ServiceNow email notifications in order to send emails natively through the instance and some notifications use notification email scripts for the email's subject and body content. See email notifications and notification email scripts for more information.
NOTE: Since these notifications use built-in ServiceNow functionality, you are able to view and change the notifications and their content from the default behavior. However this is only recommended for advanced users as changes may cause the notifications to not function properly.
The following notifications are included with the Perspectium Core app:
Name | Description | ||||||
Perspectium Error | Notification when there is an error in the Perspectium Logs. When the DataSync application encounters an issue and logs an error, you can use this notification to be notified . An example of an email created is as follows: Subject: Perspectium Error: perspectium - psp.out.replicator.queue_name Body: The following error has occurred: Instance: perspectium Name: psp.out.replicator.queue_name Value: 2020-10-28 20:08:26: Error getting metrics for queue psp.out.replicator.testqueue on https://<server> | ||||||
Perspectium Agent Error | Notification when the DataSync Agent encounters errors processing records. A psp_error_script notification email script is included with a formatted email to display issues with the Agent. The Agent will send back batches of errors and this notification will create an email that contains a list of records that resulted in errors, including the table the record belongs to, the record sys_id and the Agent's error message.
You can control the error messages sent back by the DataSync Agent to your instance using the <error_batch_size> and <receipt_send_interval> configurations, as error messages are sent back when the batch size or the send interval has been reached, whichever comes first. For example, if the <error_batch_size> is 10 and the <receipt_send_interval> is 5, then an error message will be sent back when there are 10 errors or 5 minutes have passed, whichever occurs first. Meshlets currently will send errors based on the batch they process each time i.e. if a batch of records has 3 errors, those 3 errors will be sent back in one error message. An example of an email created when errors occurred processing records is as follows: Subject: Perspectium Agent (psp_test_agent) Errors Body: Dear DataSync Agent user, Errors have occurred in the Agent when attempting to process the following records: Table: incident, Record: 72c645032f431010744b90bcf699b67c Error: SubscribeException: Invalid sys_id Table: incident, Record: 72c645032f431010744b90bcf699b67d Error: SubscribeException: Invalid sys_id With Iodine 7.0.8+ of the DataSync Agent and Iodine 7.0.5+ of Perspectium Core for ServiceNow, the Agent will also send back notifications of other issues the Agent encounters on startup as well. These issues include:
Example emails created when the Agent encounters errors include: Subject: Perspectium Agent (psp_test_agent) Errors Body: Dear DataSync Agent user, Agent does not meet minimum requirements for starting. Check Agent logs for more information. Subject: Perspectium Agent (psp_test_agent) Errors Body: Dear DataSync Agent user, SQLException: Cannot create PoolableConnectionFactory (Could not create connection to database server. Attempted reconnect 3 times. Giving up.) java.sql.SQLException: Cannot create PoolableConnectionFactory (Could not create connection to database server. Attempted reconnect 3 times. Giving up.) Subject: Perspectium Agent (psp_test_agent) Errors Body: Dear DataSync Agent user, Agent had errors in validating agent.xml configurations on start up. Check Agent logs for more information. | ||||||
Perspectium Meshlet Error | Notification when the DataSync Meshlet encounters errors processing records. A psp_error_script notification email script is included with a formatted email to display issues with the Meshlet. Meshlets will send back batches of errors and this notification will create an email that contains a list of records that resulted in errors, including the table the record belongs to, the record sys_id and the Meshlet's error message. Meshlets currently will send errors based on the batch they process each time i.e. if a batch of records has 3 errors, those 3 errors will be sent back in one error message. An example of an email created when errors occurred processing records is as follows: Subject: Perspectium Meshlet (psp_meshlet) Errors Body: Dear Meshlet user, Errors have occurred in the Meshlet when attempting to process the following records: Table: incident, Record: 72c645032f431010744b90bcf699b67c Error: DataSyncListenerService: Record not found Table: incident, Record: 72c645032f431010744b90bcf699b67d Error: DataSyncListenerService: Record not found | ||||||
Perspectium Connection Error | Notification when the DataSync app has connection issues with the Perspectium Integration Mesh. That is, when the application attempts to connect to the Mesh to post messages being shared and if applicable, when it tries to fetch messages being subscribed.. See below for configuration options (batching and interval) related to this notification. An example of an email created for this notification is as follows: Subject: Perspectium Connection Error Body: Errors connecting to the Perspectium Integration Mesh: PerspectiumReplicator.fetchFromQueue:Error fetching from queue psp.out.servicenow.instance_name on https://<instance_name> Connection refused. See Perspectium Logs on instance dev00000 for more information. | ||||||
Perspectium Table Compare Discrepancies | Notification when Table Compare executes and there are discrepancies between the instance and the database the Agent is saving records into. The psp_table_compare_script notification email script is included with a formatted email to display these discrepancies. Each time a Table Compare is executed and there are discrepancies found, this notification will create an email that details the discrepancies. An example of an email created is as follows: Subject: Perspectium Table Compare Discrepancies Body: Discrepancies found in the DataSync Agent database:
| ||||||
Perspectium Situation | Notification when a situation has occurred multiple times. The default value of 6 is specified in the Conditions field of the When to send tab of the notification: The following templates are included:
These templates are situations that will occur multiple time and cause a notification. For example, once there are 6 Perspectium Old Message Alert situations that occur, the notification will then be sent if you subscribe to this notification. An example of an email created for this notification is as follows: Subject: Perspectium Situation Triggered: Perspectium Old Message Alert Body: Situation: messages that have been sitting in a outbound for more than the specified time |
Subscribe to a notification
To subscribe to a Perspectium notificaton and receive emails when an event occurs, follow these steps:
Enable email sending
Navigate to System Mailboxes > Administration > Email Properties. In the upper left-hand corner of the form, check the Yes | No box under Email sending enabled to allow emails to be sent from your ServiceNow instance.
Select the notification to subscribe to
Navigate to Perspectium > Control and Configuration > Troubleshooting > Error Notification and open the notification you want to subscribe to.
Choose users who will receive error notification emails
Click the Who will receive tab. Then, click > or next to Users to start adding users who will receive the notification emails.
NOTE: The users that you specify to receive email notifications for must have an email entered in the Email field of their User Profile (Username > Profile).
Save your notification changes
In the bottom left-hand corner of the form, click Submit or Update to save your changes for users to start receiving email notifications.
Perspectium Connection Error configuration options
To avoid temporary short term connection issues (i.e. there was a single connection issue and the app was able to connect on the next attempt to share data to the Mesh), you can configure how frequently the Perspectium Connection Error notification should check for issues and how many times the issues occur before sending a notification.
To configure this notification, follow these steps:
Set your notification batch size and timing
Navigate to Perspectium > Control and Configuration > Properties > General Settings. Scroll to the section labeled Send notification emails in batches of. In the box underneath this label, type a number to indicate the minimum number (batch) of connection errors before sending a notification. Next, scroll to the section labeled Send notification emails about connection errors in batches every and choose a time interval to send batched notifications in. This interval controls how often the application should check for connection issues. The default values are batches of 5 and every 30 minutes to trigger a notification.
For example, with the default batch size of 5 and an interval of 30 minutes, every 30 minutes the app will check if there are more than 5 connection issues and if so, send a notification.
Finally, click Save at the bottom of the page to save your Perspectium properties. Once these two properties are setup, your notifications will be emailed in batches at the specified intervals to the users you configured in Step #3.