To enhance your DataSync integration for Amazon Redshift, you can configure the meshlet to the directives listed below. To check out the general meshlet configurations, see General Meshlet Configurations for DataSync.
Directive | Default Value | Description |
username | Redshift database username. perspectium: redshift: username: perspectium | |
password | Redshift database password. perspectium: redshift: password: somePasswordHere | |
database | Redshift database name. perspectium: redshift: database: database_name | |
schema | Redshift schema name. perspectium: redshift: schema: schema_name | |
role | An IAM role set up in AWS that grants you permission to access Amazon S3, e.g. arn:partition:service:region:account-id:resource-type/resource-id. The role must have permissions to LIST and GET objects from the Amazon S3 bucket being used. The IAM role ARN, or Amazon Resource Name, is a required directive to leverage the COPY command. For more information, see AWS credentials and access permissions. perspectium: redshift: role: arn:aws:iam:123456789123:role/myRedshiftRole | |
connectionUrl | The JDBC URL for your Amazon Redshift cluster connection, e.g. jdbc:redshift://endpoint:port/database. perspectium: redshift: connectionUrl: jdbc:redshift:// | |
postInterval | 5 | Minutes to check dead periods. Check every x minutes to compare if the in memory collection is the same as the last x minutes. If so, write records to file and push to Amazon Redshift. perspectium: redshift: postInterval: 5 |
truncateColumns | true | SUPPORTED IN KRYPTON 8.0.3 AND NEWER Related to the maximum column lengths in databaseConfig.json as described below, truncate data if it is longer than a column's maximum length. If false, the data will not be truncated and the record will attempted to be inserted as is. If an error occurs (the default behavior), it will be logged in the meshlet's log file. perspectium: redshift: truncateColumns: true |
maxFileSize | Required Configuration. This configuration specifies the max size for temporary files created as the meshlet pushes records to Amazon Redshift. 10000 will be used if input is over 10000 to prevent possible performance and memory issues. A suggested value is 5000. perspectium: filesubscriber: maxFileSize: 5000 | |
customFileName | $table-$randomid | Names file with format of table - random id. File names MUST be unique. perspectium: filesubscriber: customFileName: $table-$randomid |
fileDirectory | /files | Directory where the locally created files get made. (In respects to where application is running). perspectium: filesubscriber: fileDirectory: /files |
deleteFiles | true | Indicates whether you want to keep or delete locally created CSV files. Will not have a noticeable performance hit. perspectium: filesubscriber: deleteFiles: true |
fileCleanerInterval | 1 | How often (in minutes) the file cleaner job will run to clean up local files created by the meshlet. This job is similar to the ServiceNow Data Cleaner Scheduled Job. For example, value of 4 will run the job every four minutes. perspectium: filesubscriber: fileCleanerInterval: |
fileMaxAge | 1 | Any csv file in the filesDirectory older than fileMaxAge in minutes, will be automatically deleted. perspectium: filesubscriber: fileMaxAge: 1 |
legacyDbViewId | false | Derivative to use the legacy version for database view tables of concatenating GUID values into a sys_id field. If false, meshlet will use the pre-constructed encoded sys_id created by ServiceNow. perspectium: filesubscriber: legacyDbViewId: false |
accessKey | Authorized AWS user's access key to the S3 bucket. For more information, see AWS credentials and access permissions. perspectium: s3: accessKey: AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE | |
secretKey | Authorized AWS user's full secret access key to the S3 bucket. For more information, see AWS credentials and access permissions. perspectium: s3: secretKey: wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY | |
destinationBucket | The name of the S3 bucket where data will be bulk loaded from. perspectium: s3: destinationBucket: redshift-bulk-loading | |
region | The region the S3 bucket is located in. perspectium: s3: region: us-east-1 |
databaseConfig.json is a configuration file that contains specific configurations to the target database the meshlet is connecting to, in this case Redshift. databaseConfig.json should be stored in the meshlet's static/config folder located where the meshlet jar resides.
NOTE: This configuration file is for advanced use and should not be modified unless discussed with Perspectium Support. Changes here may result in unintended behavior with Redshift.
Configuration Section | Description |
SQLSyntax | Format of specific SQL commands used by the meshlet with the database. These are specific SQL commands the meshlet will always used as opposed to the dynamic commands it uses to insert/update records into tables. |
tableDefinition | List of table definitions (such as the table's primary key field) the meshlet uses for creating tables. |
types | The translation of ServiceNow field types to Redshift's data types. For example, if the field is an integer in ServiceNow, it will be created as a BIGINT in Redshift. |
maxLengthColumns | The maximum length supported for different data types in Redshift. This relates to being able to support matching the length of the field in ServiceNow to the column in Redshift. Lengths can only be matched for the Redshift data types listed in this section up to the maximum length specified here, which is the maximum length supported by Redshift.
The meshlet performs the column length logic as follows:
errors | List of common errors the meshlet may encounter when running SQL commands against the database. |
An example of a databaseConfig.json is as follows:
{ "SQLSyntax":{ "showTables":"SELECT DISTINCT tablename FROM pg_table_def WHERE tablename=?;", "selectAll":"SELECT * FROM %s LIMIT 1", "addColumn":"ALTER TABLE %s ADD COLUMN", "primaryKey":"Primary Key(%s)", "createTable":"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s", "modifyColumn":"ALTER TABLE %s ALTER COLUMN %s TYPE" }, "tableDefinition":{ "primaryKeys":[ "sys_id" ] }, "types":{ "integer":"BIGINT", "boolean":"BOOLEAN", "glide_date":"DATE", "glide_date_time":"TIMESTAMPTZ", "float":"FLOAT", "reference":"VARCHAR", "default":"VARCHAR" }, "NOTE": "The 'maxLengthColumns' and 'errors' configurations are strictly related to the database. Please do not change them without first consulting the database documentation", "maxLengthColumns": { "CHAR": 4096, "VARCHAR": 65535, "BINARY VARYING": 1024000, "VARBINARY": 1024000, "VARBYTE": 1024000 }, "errors": ["String length exceeds DDL length", "too long", "size <= 1024000"] }