ServiceNow outbound Table Maps handle how data being shared out of ServiceNow is processed. After creating a ServiceNow dynamic share for DXC, you will need to add fields for the Incident to Common Incident ServiceNow table map under the Table Maps module. 


(warning) You will first need to create a ServiceNow dynamic share for DXC.


To modify the Incident to Common Incident table map to DXC, follow these steps:

Access the outbound table map

Log into your ServiceNow instance and navigate to Perspectium > Control and Configuration > Table Maps or simply type and then select Table Maps in the Filter Navigator on the upper left-hand side of the screen. Then, click into Incident to Common Incident.

Create new Field Map 

Navigate to the PSP Table Field Map and click New

In the Source Field, add In the Target Field, add caller_email.

Check Use Script, then add the following in the Source Script:

answer =;

Then, click Submit

Modify Field Maps 

Click into the assignment_group field map and modify the Target Field to assignment_group_name. Then, click Update.

Repeat the step to modifying field maps with the following: 

Source Field Target Field