ServiceNow transform maps handle the format of data being shared into a ServiceNow instance. The common documents use transform maps to allow data to be properly shared out of one application and then be mapped correctly to the relevant fields in ServiceNow. 

Understand the process of transform maps with Common Documents with the following steps: 

Coalesced Field Mappings 

Field mappings with the coalesced box checked will be processed first to identify if this is a new record or an update. 

On Before Transform Scripts 

All on before scripts are processed. 

All Non-Coalesced Field Mappings

Field mappings where the coalesced checkbox is not ticked. 

On Foreign Insert Scripts 

All on foreign scripts are processed.

Script Box 

This is the script field on the main transform map.

The Common Documents will have a script in this field that will ensure proper dates and times are reflected on records.

On After Scripts  

Once the record is written to the database, these scripts are run.