The Common Knowledge document is an XML schema that contains default fields for mapping change request form values from one system to another. The common knowledge format mirrors what one would see in an ITIL view of the Change Knowledge form with related lists expressed in embedded XML form.

Sample Common Knowledge

A sample Common Knowledge looks like this:


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Embedded Records

Embedded records are fields in the Common Knowledge document that cannot be mapped by singular values. Instead, they are entirely different records included inside the Common Knowledge document to be created on the subscribing system.

(info) NOTEDeactivate each of the transform scripts in PSP Common Knowledge to Knowledge if you choose not to parse these embedded objects into records. If you need to extend or add additional capabilities, instead of modifying the existing scripts, add new ones so that upgrades are possible.

The following are examples of the embedded records in Common Knowledge: 

Knowledge Related to Products Embedded Record

The affected_product field in the Common Knowledge is an embedded record that, when populated, will create a new knowledge on the system receiving the Common Knowledge.

Table Map Source FieldDefinition
kb_nameName of the Knowledge Base record 

Approval Embedded Record

The approver field in the Common Knowledge is an embedded record that, when populated, will create a new knowledge on the system receiving the Common Knowledge.

Table Map Source FieldDefinition


Unique record identifier of the Approver record
approver_emailEmail of the Approver
approver_nameName of the Approver
assignment_groupUnique record identifier of the Assignment Group record
assignment_group_nameName of the Assignment Group
commentsComments of the Approver
stateState of the approval record

Knowledge Feedback Embedded Record

The kb_feedback field in the Common Knowledge is an embedded record that, when populated, will create a new knowledge on the system receiving the Common Knowledge.

Table Map Source FieldDefinition
articleUnique record identifier of the Knowledge record 
commentsComments in the Knowledge Feedback record  

True / False statement if record is Knowledge Feedback flagged

live_messageUnique record identifier of the Live Feed Message record 
parent_feedbackUnique record identifier of the Knowledge Feedback record 
queryRepresents encoded query 
ratingNumber of the rating of the Knowledge Feedback record
resolvedStates if the knowledge feedback is resolved 
root_feedbackUnique record identifier of the Live Feed Message record 
search_idUnique record identifier of the Knowledge Searches record 
session_idID representation of the session record
usefulTrue / False statement if record is useful
userUnique record identifier of the User record 


ID representation of the view record
work_notesJournal notes in the Knowledge Feedback record  

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Table Maps

The Perspectium Common Knowledge Helium update set will contain the following:

Outbound Table Maps

NameTypeSource TableDescription
Knowledge to Common Knowledgecommon_knowledgeKnowledge [knowledge]Main body of the common_knowledge format
Affected Productsembedded_affected_productKnowledge Related To Products [m2m_kb_ci]Map for building embedded affected products in common_knowledge
Approversembedded_approverApproval [sysapproval_approver]Map for building embedded approvers in common_knowledge
Knowledge Feedbackembedded_knowledge_feedbackKnowledge Feedback [kb_feedback]Map for building knowledge feedback in common_knowledge

Inbound Table Maps



Target Table


Common Knowledge to PSP Common Knowledgecommon_knowledgePSP Common Knowledge (u_psp_common_knowledge)Main body of the common_knowledge format

Import Set



PSP Common Knowledge to Knowledge (u_psp_common_knowledge)Transforms the common_knowledge format to knowledge.