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When you enable sharing ServiceNow display values for reference fields and choice lists in your dynamic shares and bulk shares, you have an option to change the language of the display values. 

(info) NOTE: This feature only works for language translations that have been downloaded on your instance. 


(warning) First, you will need to activate the language plugin in your ServiceNow instance. 

(warning) Second, you will need to check Enable Replicator to add display value fields (prefixed with 'dv_') for reference and choice fields  in the Perspectium Replicator properties. 


To set up your dynamic/bulk share to add display value languages, follow these steps:

Access your dynamic share or bulk share

Log into your sharing (source) ServiceNow instance and navigate to Perspectium > Replicator > Dynamic Share or Bulk Share. Then, click into the dynamic share or bulk share that you want to add display value languages for.

You can also create a new dynamic share or bulk share and enable the feature upon the new creation. 

Enable add display value language 

Check the Advanced checkbox, the Advanced tab will appear. In the Advanced tab, check the Add display value language checkbox. 

Select the language

Below the Add display value language checkbox, there is a Display value language reference field. Use this reference field to select the language you want the display value to be in. 

Click Update

Near the bottom left-hand corner of the form (just above Related Links), click Update to save the changes to your dynamic share or bulk share.

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