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To configure your ServiceNow-Ivanti ServiceBond integration, you will need to create a ServiceNow dynamic share so that data can be shared out of your ServiceNow instance and into Ivanti. Dynamic shares allow for real time sharing of ServiceNow records as they are created and updated. Creating a dynamic share for your Ivanti ServiceBond integration will ensure that data that is modified in real time will be shared out from ServiceNow and into Ivanti.


(warning) You will first need to install 3 Perspectium update sets to your ServiceNow instance in the following order:

1. Perspectium Core update set

2. Perspectium Common Endpoint update set

3. Perspectium Common Incident update set

You can request download links for these update sets by contacting Perspectium Support.


To create a dynamic share for your ServiceNow-Ivanti ServiceBond integration, follow these steps:

Create a ServiceNow shared queue for Ivanti

Log into your ServiceNow instance and navigate to Perspectium > Replicator > Shared Queues or simply type and then select Shared Queues in the Filter Navigator on the upper left-hand side of the screen. Then, click New. In the Name field, type psp.in.meshlet.ivanti. Finally, follow the remaining steps to create a ServiceNow shared queue.

Navigate to Dynamic Share

Navigate to Perspectium Replicator > Dynamic Share or simply type Dynamic Share in the Filter Navigator on the upper left-hand side of the screen.

Choose the Incident to Common Incident table map

In the Table Map dropdown, select Incident to Common Incident.

Configure other dynamic share settings

From the Table dropdown, choose Incident, and from the Encryption Method dropdown, choose Base64 Encode only. Then, click the Trigger Conditions tab. From the Business Rule When dropdown, select before and type 50 as the Business Rule Order. Finally, choose psp.in.meshlet.ivanti as the Target Queue.

Save your dynamic share

Follow any remaining steps to create a ServiceNow dynamic share and click Submit to save your settings.

Next steps

Create a ServiceNow subscribed queue and subscribe for Ivanti

Similar topics

Contact Perspectium Support

US: 1 888 620 8880

UK: 44 208 068 5953
