The Heartbeat configuration also requires information on how to contact the Perspectium Message Bus. The directives used are exactly those used by the core configuration file config.xml but it’s possible that a completely different Message Bus or user credentials will be used. It’s important to note that the Heartbeat configuration is not intended to be modified by the customer. 

As of version 3.2.20 this configuration file is embedded with the owning jar file and is not directly accessible

heartbeat_queue<heartbeat_queue></heartbeat_queue>heartbeat message bus queueRequired
update_interval<update_interval>60</update_interval>heartbeat intervalRequired
amqp_uri<amqp_uri>amqp://localhost</amqp_uri>Primary Message Bus LocationOptional
amqp_user<amqp_user>joe</amqp_user>User for logging into primary busOptional
amqp_password<amqp_password>j_o_e</amqp_password>User's password for message busOptional
