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Once you have successfully created a group share, there are a variety of related features you can take advantage of. Explore them all! 

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Execute bulk shares for a group share

This feature allows you to run bulk shares in your group share, if you didn't set up a schedule when you first created the group share. Here's how to execute bulk shares in an existing group share on demand:

  1. In your sharing ServiceNow instance, go to Perspectium > Perspectium Core Shares > Group Shares View Group Shares.

  2. Find and click into the group share that you want to execute bulk shares for.

  3. In the resulting group share page, scroll down to the Related Links section and click Execute bulk shares now

Reorder bulk shares in a group share

This feature allows you to reorder the sharing of bulk shares in your group share. By default, your group share will run the bulk shares in the order that they were added.

  1. In your sharing ServiceNow instance, go to Perspectium > Perspectium Core Shares > Group Shares View Group Shares.

  2. Find and click into the group share that you want to reorder the bulk shares for.

  3. In the resulting group share page, scroll down to the table at the bottom and click the Bulk Shares tab to view all bulk shares for this group share. The way they appear in the list reflects the order in which they will run. To change the position of a bulk share in the list, click on the value (number) for the Order field of the bulk share. This will open that bulk share's page.

  4. In the resulting bulk share page, find the Order field, and enter a number based on the position that you want to assign it. Bulk shares will run in groups of 4, and once 1 of those bulk shares has finished running, the bulk share with an Order of 5 will then start running. 


  • To modify the number of bulk shares that run concurrently in a group share, type sys_properties.list in ServiceNow's filter navigator and search for the com.glide.sys.schedulers property. 50% of the value you assign to this property will be the number of bulk shares that can run concurrently in a group share.

  • If you enter a redundant value in the Order field, then the bulk share that was originally assigned that value will run before the bulk share with the newly modified value. For example, if Bulk Share 1 originally had an Order field value of 1 and you change Bulk Share 2 to have an Order field value of 1, then Bulk Share 1 will run before Bulk Share 2. To confirm the order of the bulk shares in your group share, check the Bulk Shares tab in your group share.

Group share templates

This Perspectium feature offers built-in templates for common service management processes that you can use, or you can create your own custom templates to apply to multiple shares within the same group.

View your built-in tables at Perspectium > Perspectium Core Shares > Group Shares View Templates.

You need a template_editor_global or admin role to view templates. 

Here are the built-in templates included in the Perspectium update set for ServiceNow: 

Template name

Tables included in template


Incident Management PSP Template

Incident, User, Business Service, Configuration Item, Group, Problem, Change Request, Workflow Activity, Task, Location, Execution Plan Task, Execution Plan, Company

Includes datas related to interruptions in IT services or reductions in IT service quality. This template will replicate the tables needed to have your incident management in sync with other instances. 

Service Catalog Sync PSP Template

Catalog Item, Variable, Variable Set, Catalog Client Scripts, Catalog UI Policy, Catalog Item Category, Available for Groups, Not Available for Groups, Available for Companies, Not Available for Companies, Available for Departments, Not Available for Departments, Available at Locations, Not Available at Locations, Available for Users, Not Available for Users, Approving Groups, Approving Users, RuleIncludes data related to customer-facing or internal IT services that comprise a typical IT service portfolio. This template will replicate the tables needed to have your service catalog in sync with other instances. 

CMDB Analytics PSP Template

Includes data typically found in a configuration management database (CMDB) to be used for the analysis of IT configuration items. This template will replicate the tables needed to have your CMDB in sync with other instances. 
Catalog Tasks PSP TemplateApplication, Catalog Item, Catalog Task, Category, Company, Configuration Item, Group, Hardware Catalog, Order guide, Product model, Request, Requested Item, Software catalog, Sys Plugins, User, Variable, Workflow, Workflow Activity, Workflow Activity Definition, Workflow Stage, Workflow versionIncludes data related to service catalog requests that requires approval. This template will replicate the tables needed to have your catalog tasks in sync with other instances. 

Create a group share template

If you want to create a custom group share template, you need an itil or admin role to see the records in the list collector that contains the tables. 

  1. In your sharing ServiceNow instance, go to Perspectium > Perspectium Core Shares > Group Shares Create New Template.

  2. Give your template a name in the Name field and use the Short description field to enter a brief description of your template's intended purpose/use.

  3. Check the Active box. This will ensure that the template appears in the list when you create or modify a group share.

  4. Use the Available <> Selected tables to add the names of the tables that you want in your template. Use the magnifying glass to search for specific tables, and then double click the table name(s) you want, or click once and then click the right-pointing arrow. You're just moving table names over from a list of "available options" into a list of "Selected tables". Repeat for as many tables as you want.

  5. Once you've added all the tables you want, click Submit

If you are committing your update set containing custom-created group templates to other instances, make sure to run the Perspectium finish install script.

Modify a custom group share template

After creating a group share template, you can make changes as necessary. You cannot modify the built-in templates. 

Here's how to modify a custom-created group share template:

  1. In your sharing ServiceNow instance, go to Perspectium > Perspectium Core Shares > Group Shares > View Templates.

  2. Click the template that you want to modify.

  3. In the resulting Template form, make changes as you please. 

  4. Click Update


  • We do NOT recommend that you modify the Tables List field. The Tables List field will be updated based on the tables in your Tables field automatically after saving your template.
  • Although an option to choose additional fields is visible, fields other than Tables and Table List cannot be added to the Template form. 
  • The order of the Template MUST be Tables then Table List. Altering this will also affect the template for your group share.

Delete a custom group share template

If you want to delete a custom-created group share template, here's how:

  1. In your sharing ServiceNow instance, go to Perspectium > Perspectium Core Shares > Group Shares > View Templates.

  2. Click the template that you want to modify.

  3. In the resulting Template form, click Delete in the top right.


  • Do NOT delete the built-in group share templates