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Once you have installed and configured DataSync for ServiceNow, and have successfully set up a dynamic share and understand how it works, there are various optional dynamic share settings that you can configure. These optional features can help you customize your DataSync experience and leverage DataSync's robust capabilities to make your organization's integration processes more powerful and streamlined.

What's on this page: 

Table of Contents

Explore all of these available features below! 

Data Alignment

Data Alignment provides conflict avoidance to minimize the possibility of records becoming out of sync. For example, Instance A updates a record at the same time Instance B updates the same record—you now have the risk of conflicting records. Data Alignment (using dynamic share), is designed to minimize that risk. 

There are two connected features to achieve data alignment (enable them in the following order):

Immediately post dynamic share outbound messages

This feature is enabled in the queue record. If a dynamic share is targeting a queue that has this property enabled, it will cause their messages to be posted immediately, rather than waiting to have the multioutput processor post these messages on a scheduled basis. If the outbound message is unable to be posted immediately, it will be put into the ready state and then sent along with other outbound messages during the next execution of the multioutput processor job.

Here's how to enable the post immediately feature in a dynamic share:

  1. In your sharing ServiceNow instance, go to Perspectium > Perspectium Core Shares > Dynamic Share > View Dynamic Shares.

  2. Find and select the dynamic share for which you want to enable the feature.

  3. Under the Additional Settings tab, next to the Target queue, click the (info) icon to preview the record. Then, in the resulting Queues window, click Open Record

  4. In the record's page, check the Post Immediately box.

Skip delayed updates

Using polling intervals for publish/subscribe messaging creates a potential issue for records to become out of sync if they are updated at the same time. By posting outbound messages immediately, the time frame for this issue is decreased. To further mitigate this potential issue from occurring, the subscribing system will check if the local record has been updated more recently when receiving an update. If so, the update is ignored. 

In order to enable this feature, you need to create a create a subscribe record and enable the post immediately feature outlined in the previous section.

Then, follow these instructions to ignore delayed updates:

  1. In your ServiceNow instance, enter u_psp_properties.list in the Filter navigator on the left.

  2. On the resulting PSP Properties page, under the Name column, enter com.perspectium.skip_delayed_updates in the search bar.

  3. Click the name of the property.

  4. On the resulting property page, in the Value field, enter true.

  5. Click Update.

  6. (Optional!) You can also choose to skip delayed target field updates. This will only work if the table being shared is audited since this will check if the target field has been updated more recently than the subscribed update. To enable this, return to step 2, and search for com.perspectium.skip_delayed_field_updatesClick the property and set Value to true. Then, click update. It is best not to enable this property if there are high volume dynamic shares, as this may impact performance.

Scheduled sync up

This feature sets up a recurring “catch up” job that incrementally bulk shares out a previous interval of created, updated, or deleted records. Enable this option to capture dynamic record creates, updates, or deletes that may have been missed (if business rules are bypassed programmatically (e.g., via setWorkflow('false');) or automation does not trigger business rules).

A scheduled sync up can be run with or without trigger conditions set up on your dynamic share. If your dynamic share has trigger conditions, records will be shared both out in real time and on the scheduled interval you select. If your dynamic share does not have trigger conditions, records will be shared out on the scheduled interval only.

  • Scheduled sync uses the sys_created_on and sys_updated_on column. This column should be indexed for best performance with scheduled sync up. Find more information on indexing columns here.
  • If you want to capture deletes, verify that the Delete Recovery plugin is activated.

Here's how to enable the feature:

  1. In your sharing ServiceNow instance, go to Perspectium > Perspectium Core Shares > Dynamic Share > View Dynamic Shares.

  2. Find and click into the dynamic share that you want to configure a scheduled sync up for.

  3. In the resulting dynamic share page, click the Scheduled Sync Up tab. To capture only creates and updates, check the Activate sync box. To capture only deletes, check the Activate delete sync box. To capture all creates, updates, and deletes, check both boxes.

  4. (Optional) Use the Run as field to find and select another user to run the sync as another user.

  5. From the Interval dropdown, select the interval at which you want to run the sync up—this interval indicates how frequently a bulk "catch up" share will run for this dynamic share.

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  6. Click Update