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Work notes and comments in ServiceNow are referred to as journal fields. For both dynamic shares and bulk shares, options are available to Include journal fields and Include audit log with your shares.

You will need to select both the Include journal fields and Include audit log options to accurately update the history/activity log on your subscribing ServiceNow instance. Additionally, you will need to subscribe to both the sys_journal_field and sys_audit tables on your subscribing ServiceNow instance to receive all work notes and comments fields for your shared records.

(info) NOTE

  • As a default, when Include journal fields is selected for a dynamic share, a maximum of 100 comments and work notes records and a maximum of 200 audit log records will be dynamic shared. This limit can be adjusted by changing the system property com.perspectium.dynamic.sys_journal_field.limit. Bulk sharing of comments, work notes, and audit logs are not restricted by these limits.
  • With DataSync Agent, the Include journal fields option will create the sys_journal_field table on the target database. The Include audit log will also create the sys_audit_log on the target database. However, be aware that this option has the potential to contain a huge amount of data

For more information about work notes and comments in ServiceNow, see journal fields and audit logging.


(warning) First, you will need to create a dynamic share or create a bulk share.

(warning) You will also need to configure a ServiceNow instance as a subscriber.

Sync work notes and comments

To sync your work notes and comments with another ServiceNow instance, follow these steps:

UI Steps

UI Step

Navigate to dynamic or bulk share

Log into your sharing ServiceNow instance and navigate to Perspectium > Replicator > Dynamic Share or Perspectium > Replicator > Bulk Share.

Click into the dynamic share or bulk share that you want to include work notes and comments for.

UI Step

Include journal fields and audit logs

Scroll down to the Additional Settings tab and check the Include journal fields and Include audit log boxes.

UI Step

Filter audit fields (Optional)

When Include audit log is checked, you have an option to choose which audit log records will be shared by checking Filter audit fields.  Using this option you can share out only audit records that are created related to specific fields on the table being setup for this dynamic/bulk share.  For example, if you are setting up a dynamic share on the Computer (cmdb_ci_computer) table and only want to share out audit records for changes on the Name (name) field.

To start adding fields you want audit records to be shared out on, click New in the Filter audit fields related list:

Next choose the field you want to filter and share out audit records on:

If no fields are created in the related list but  Filter audit fields and Include audit log are both checked, then no audit records will be shared.

If Include audit log is checked but not Filter audit fields, all audit will be shared and any previously created filters will be ignored.

UI Step

Save your changes

In the bottom left-hand corner of the form, click Update to save your changes.

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