
This guide provides a methodical approach to identifying causes for data to be out of sync. It requires a birds-eye understanding of the DataSync architecture to see how data flows out of ServiceNow and into the Perspectium Integration Mesh where the data sits until the Perspectium DataSync Agent is able to consume the messages to perform the insert/update/delete into the target database.

(info) NOTE: It is recommend you use Table Compare to first check for discrepancies. This guide will then help you troubleshoot further to determine the cause of discrepancies.

Here is a diagram that shows the DataSync workflow:

Listed below are the components where this document details how to troubleshoot each of them:

  1. ServiceNow (Source)
  2. Perspectium Integration Mesh
  3. DataSync Agent
  4. Database (Target)

Before deep diving from Source to Target, it is best to perform the following to identify problematic tables where discrepancies have been identified. Prioritizing the tables then allows us to focus on specific shares and possibly time frame of an issue. If possible, it would also be helpful to find sys_id values that either exist in ServiceNow, but not in the database or found in the database but not in ServiceNow. 

Identify tables where there is discrepancy

Create a spreadsheet that includes the following columns and their values:

  • Table Name
  • Count in ServiceNow
  • Count in Database
  • Count difference
  • Date/time of when counts were recorded
  • Flag indicating if there are more records in Database or ServiceNow
  • Examples (if possible): sys_id values with a discrepancy 

Click here to download an example template. 

Progress through these upcoming steps as we investigate from source to target to possibly identify the root cause for each discrepancy identified or isolate where the problem may be.


The Perspectium DataSync Application in ServiceNow simply creates PSP Outbound Message (psp_out_message) records and publishes them to the Perspectium Integration Mesh (MBS). 

(info) NOTE: If you are using MBS 3.0, you can use the mesh_entry_id field to verify that the outbound message is saved to a file in a queue in the Perspectium Integration Mesh.

The majority of discrepancy issues from a ServiceNow perspective are due to:

  • Dynamic share or bulk share not creating PSP Outbound Message record.
  • The PSP Outbound Message is not properly created (e.g. empty value, see Known Issues for more details).
  • Dynamic share does not capture final version of source record.
  • Perspectium MultiOutput Processing Job(s) inactive or platform blocks from running.
  • Perspectium MultiOutput Processing Job(s) unable to communicate with Perspectium Integration Mesh.

Test Dynamic/bulk share for table(s) identified in the discrepancies 

We want to test the dynamic share or bulk share for the problematic table to see if it properly creates the PSP Outbound Message and gets published to your Perspectium Integration Mesh. If this is successful, then we can quickly eliminate the share configuration in ServiceNow and connection to the Integration Mesh from being an issue.  

Dynamic Share

Use Test Record feature or create/update a test record.

Bulk Share

Rename bulk share.

Populate Limit number of records shared to a small value like 5 or set a filter to share a specific set of records.

Confirm the expected number of psp_out_message records are created with topic=replicator and are eventually Sent.

(info) NOTEThe Attributes field of PSP Outbound Messages records contain useful information to help determine whether the expected PSP Outbound Messages are created:

set_idsys_id of dynamic share or bulk share that created PSP Outbound Message
RecordIdsys_id of Source record being replicated
cipherEncryption method used by the dynamic share or bulk share
sharedQueuesys_id of shared queue record

Review the Dynamic Share, Bulk Share, and/or Scheduled Bulk Share configuration for tables found in the discrepancies 

Review the configuration to ensure it is configured to capture everything expected. Here a couple things to keep in mind when reviewing the share options:

Dynamic Share

Parent/Child Hierarchy > Child Table Only (Default)

This DEFAULT setting is enabled if the Share base table only and Include all child tables options are NOT selected. It will share all child tables one level below the specified table. This may be misleading as most people expect dynamic shares are auto-configured to share data from the table configured.

Trigger Conditions Tab > Interactive Only

This option will only replicate data if a user executed an insert, update, or delete. It will NOT share data if a background job or script performed an operation against the table. Background jobs or scripts performing actions on tables users are attempting to sync to a database may not always be visible.

Filter and Enrichment Tab

Review the conditions and all options in this tab to ensure nothing prevents replication from occurring for an expected record.

Business Rule order and Business Rule when

There is a possibility that the Perspectium Replicate business rule does not capture the final version of a record. Ensure that the dynamic share is configured to share the record after all business rules and workflows are complete.

Duplicate Perspectium Replicate Business Rules

Sometimes, a single dynamic share can have two or more business rules associated to it. This will lead to sharing the source record multiple times. The Dynamic Share Business Rules Dashboard allows you to quickly identify any duplicates and you can Reset the Dynamic Share Business Rules to re-create all business rules for your active dynamic shares such that only a single business rule is associated with each active dynamic share.  

Bulk Share


Review the conditions and all options in this tab to ensure nothing prevents replication from occurring for an expected record.

Share updates since then

This will only share records that have been inserted or updated since the date or time shown in the Last share time field. It simply modifies the query against the base table to capture records updated since the last execution time. This option is typically used with scheduled bulk shares.

(info) NOTE: There is a Known Issue with this bulk share option that is fixed in Fluorine Plus Patch 1.1 and above.

Scheduled Bulk Shares

Check to see if the scheduled bulk share(s) are configured to execute as expected and the associated bulk shares are running at those times.

Related bulk shares with filters using date or time stamps, such as sys_updated_on, can lead to data gaps if not properly configured based on the Repeat Interval of the scheduled bulk share. Ensure that the bulk share condition is configured to capture records update since the start time of the scheduled bulk share.

(info) NOTE: Please review the Known Issues section of this document as it contains additional information that may impact the shares from functioning properly.

Perspectium logs and debug logging 

To access Perspectium Logs, go to Perspectium > Control and Configuration > Logs.

If there is no explanation as to why PSP Outbound Message is not being generated for a share, then you can review the Perspectium Logs. Sometimes it will capture errors during the processing of the share such as problems with finding or encrypting the source record. It should also show if there have been any communication problems from ServiceNow to the Perspectium Integration Mesh.  

If you can reproduce an issue on demand where a dynamic share or bulk share is not sharing expected records, then enabling debug logging can be used to gather additional info. 

Depending on the scenario it can be enabled at the global level or from a specific share:

Global level

Go to Perspectium > Control and Configuration > Properties, then check the Generate debugging logs option.

(info) NOTE: Do not enable in high-volume Instances such as Production unless advised by Perspectium Support.

Dynamic Share 

Go to Perspectium > Replicator > Dynamic Shares, then check the Advanced checkbox. An Advanced tab will appear. In the Advanced tab, check the Enable debug logging option. 

Bulk Share 

Go to Perspectium > Replicator > Bulk Shares, then check the Advanced checkbox. An Advanced tab will appear. In the Advanced tab, check the Enable debug logging option. 

Global level debugging should not be used in Production environments unless coordinated with Perspectium Support. Ideally, it should be used in sub-prod environments where you are able to reproduce a broad issue but still not able to isolate a specific dynamic shares or bulk shares. However, you can temporarily use the share debug logging in a Production instance if you are able to single out particular shares with an issue. 

DataSync Agent 

The Perspectium DataSync Agent typically sits within your firewall or network to ensure control and security of your data. Initial struggles with the installation of the DataSync Agent are often due to communication issues between the Agent and Perspectium Integration Mesh, source ServiceNow instance or database. Once the Agent is able to establish connection with each item, it goes through the following workflow to sync data:

  1. Consume messages from the Target Queue in the Perspectium Integration Mesh
  2. Decrypts and deserialize message
  3. If configured, Agent will fetch table schema from ServiceNow and alter tables in the database 
  4. Query the database to determine if it needs to perform an insert or update/delete (for .bulk messages)
  5. Build the SQL Statement
  6. Execute SQL Statement

Typically, longest delays occur during an interaction with the database. 

Check java path for Agent startup issues

If the Agent is having issues starting up, check the java system command is working. Normally when Java is installed on a machine, the java system command is available to executed from any system command prompt in any directory. If you check for Java on your machine by executing the java -version and it doesn't work, then the java system command may not be set up properly.

First, verify the user you are currently logged in on the machine has access to the Java install (it may have been installed by another user and your user wasn't given access).

If the user does have access to Java, you may need to explicitly point to where the java executable is located for the Agent to run it. The executable is generally located in in the bin folder where Java is installed i.e.

/usr/local/java/jre1.8.0_181/bin/java (Linux)

C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_181\bin\java.exe (Windows)

Once you have the path of the Java executable, open up the wrapper.conf configuration file located in the conf directory of the Agent's installation directory and update the wrapper.java.command configuration near the top of the file to point to the path.

That is, change it from:


To this (using the example above):




(info) NOTE: Use \\ for each folder in order for the path to be read correctly

wrapper.java.command=C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jre1.8.0_181\\bin\\java.exe

Test connectivity 

If you are seeing a backlog of messages in the queue, then you’ll want to confirm whether the Agent is able to communicate with the Perspectium Integration Mesh to retrieve the data. The Validate Configuration tool can be used to quickly test the connection between the Agent and the following components as defined in the agent.xml file.

  • Perspectium Integration Mesh 
  • Your ServiceNow instance
  • Your target database

The agent will not be able to startup successfully if connection to one of these endpoints is failing. This tool can be executed with the following commands from the Agent’s base install directory:



(info) NOTEDouble-clicking on the .bat file will execute it as well.


bash bin/validateConfiguration

The resulting output will be printed into the ConfigurationValidationReport.log file found in the bin directory/folder. If the ConfigurationValidationReport.log shows a successful connection to all components, then there are no network related issues. 

Example output from executing validateConfiguration:

Agent Information:
Agent version: Fluorine_4.6.6
Agent name: 'psp_replicator_fluorine_466'
Configured Tasks:
  Task: psp_replicator_fluorine_466_subscribe Type: subscribe

      psp_replicator_fluorine_466_subscribe instances: 4

Attempting to connect to the Message Broker Service at: https://training.perspectium.net as user: training/training - SUCCESS
Attempting to connect to the database: psp_repl_466 at host: localhost port: 3306 as user: root - SUCCESS Attempting to fetch schema from: https://dev63629.service-now.com- SUCCESS
Validation Completed, results: SUCCESS

Report has been saved in file: ConfigurationValidationReport.log 

Typically, these connectivity issues are due to network, proxy, or firewall configuration. Here is a list of ports that need to be open depending on the protocol used in the value of the <message_connection> directive in the agent.xml file:






Outbound to your Perspectium Integration Mesh (amqps://<mesh_name>.perspectium.net)



Outbound to your Perspectium Integration Mesh (amqp://<mesh_name>.perspectium.net)



  • Outbound to your Perspectium Integration Mesh (https://<mesh_name>.perspectium.net)
  • Outbound to your ServiecNow Instance(https://<instance_name>.perspectium.net

Ensure that your network, firewall or proxy whitelist the following to allow your server to communicate externally:

  • Perspectium Integration Mesh IP addresses 
  • perspectium.net domain

(info) NOTE: Contact Perspectium Support for your IP addresses

Also verify the ServiceNow user entered for the <instance_connection> directive has the proper role to access the ServiceNow instance and get table schemas.

 Logging level 

The Perspectium DataSync Agent has the ability to output more information to its logs in the event we are able to reproduce an issue consistently or field values are not matching up between record ServiceNow and row in the database.  

The logging level can manually be set in the log4j2.xml found in the conf folder or directory. 

By default, the logging level is set to info (this is located in line 33 of the log4j2.xml file)

 <root level="info"> 

The parameter/tag can have the following values:




Default value and provides the least amount of info


Mid-level debugging output


Highest logging level which prints most details.  Do NOT use in production or high-volume environments unless in coordination with Perspectium Support

The logging level can also be set dynamically with a duration using the setLogging command: 

setLogging <logging_level> <duration>


# Setting to finest logging for an hour
bin/setLogging finest
# Setting to finest logging for 3 hours (10800 seconds)
bin/setLogging finest 10800
# Setting to info logging indefinitely
bin/setLogging info -1

(info) NOTE: This logging level will be active until the duration expires or the Agent is restarted.

Quick analysis of the logs 

Sorting through the Agent logs will help you pinpoint issues such as:

  • Connection issues to Perspectium Integration Mesh, ServiceNow or database
  • SQL Response errors after failed insert/update/delete
  • Failure to successfully decrypt messages
  • Issues with building the SQL Statements
  • Malformed JSON message published to the queue

All of these are possible problems that the DataSync Agent can encounter and provide an explanation for any discrepancy of data. 

Here are a few search terms or phrases that immediately indicate issues with the Agent:


This indicates 9 (3x3) failed attempts were made to insert, update, or delete the message to the database


Generic search term that indicates error occurred during the:

  • Processing of the message 
  • Requests to the database or Perspectium Integration Mesh


Generic error occurred during the processing of the message or requests to the database. You may also find the Agent may have unexpectedly shut down.  

javax.crypto.IllegalBlockSizeException: Input length must be multiple of 8 when decrypting with padded cipher

The data from the value attribute of the JSON message was not properly encrypted by ServiceNow.

A JSONObject text must begin with '{'

Invalid JSON message published to the queue.

SubscribeException: Failed to decrypt message, make sure the shared secret keys match!

The encryption key in the Perspectium properties in ServiceNow does not match the decryption key defined in the agent.xml file.

org.json.JSONException: Null key

Generic error but often times see it when the value (encrypted data containing source record being shared) of the message is empty.

failed: Connection timed out

Connection failure to queue in Perspectium Integration Mesh.

For additional errors found in the logs, see Troubleshooting Agent Installation and Configuration Errors.

Contact Perspectium Support

If you’ve gone through this Troubleshooting Guide and are still unable to figure out what may be causing your data to be out of sync, then please don’t hesitate to:

  • Visit the Perspectium Support Portal to open a Support Case
  • Give us a call at (888) 620 - 8880 to open a Support Case 
  • Reach out to your Perspectium Customer Success Manager 

Include the items below when initially opening a Perspectium Support Case:

Troubleshooting Report or Download Share Configuration

The Troubleshooting Report module creates psp_out_message records that will be sent to Perspectium Support to help with troubleshooting. To access this feature, go to Perspectium > Control and Configuration > Troubleshooting Report.

This report will contain the following information:

  • Perspectium warning and error logs
  • Sample outbound (psp_out_message) and inbound (psp_inbound_message) data 
  • Perspectium configuration such as:
    • Dynamic shares
    • Bulk shares
    • Perspectium Properties
    • Subscribe configurations
    • Shared and subscribe queues

(info) NOTE: The source record being shared remains encrypted.

The Download Share Configurations is another option that will allow you to provide Perspectium Support your Perspectium Configuration for review. It can be executed with the following steps:

Go to Perspectium > Replicator > Tools > Download Share Configurations

Check ALL the following options:

  • Bulk shares
  • Scheduled bulk shares
  • Dynamic shares
  • Table maps

Click Download

Send Perspectium Support the share_configurations.zip file

DataSync Agent Report

The Create Report Tool found in the Agent’s bin directory will gather config and logs files. The resulting zip file will contain files such as:

  • /conf/agent.xml
  • /conf/config.xml
  • /conf/log4j2.xml
  • /conf/wrapper.conf
  • /logs/* (ALL logs)
  • /bin/<instances schemas>

(info) NOTE: The resulting zip file from the report may be large due to the number of log files. It would be a good idea to archive log files older than 1 week old.  

It can be executed with the following commands from the Agent’s base install directory:



(info) NOTEDouble-clicking will work as well.


bash bin/createReport

Known Issues

This is a list of Known Issues or ServiceNow configurations that will prevent Perspectium from capturing an insert/update/delete on your ServiceNow Instance:

Fix is in Fluorine Plus Patch 1.1 and up.

(info) NOTE: This is not a complete fix.  It is a workaround that skips encrypting the problematic field so our code can proceed to populate the value field of the psp_out_message record.  Investigation is ongoing.


Impacts Perspectium Replicate business rules from a dynamic shares. This will prevent any other business rule from running on the current record.


Impacts Scheduled Sync Ups or Scheduled bulk shares. This will prevent the fields updated and updated by to change when the record itself is updated.

In regards to the .setWorkflow(false) behavioral flag, Perspectium’s GOLD Release has the option to create a Flow Designer dynamic share to get around this issue. 

(info) NOTE: Deletes can only be captured by a business rule. 

Inserts, updates, or deletes may not be captured on PPM Tables such as the following:

  • task > planned_task
  • task > planned_task > pm_project
  • task > planned_task > pm_project_task

Likely due to a ServiceNow setting which prevents any business rules from executing: KB0793430: Why is my Project Task not listed in the Deleted Records?

The workaround is to configure the Query business rule such that it doesn’t run when executed by the bulk share:

Create a new sys_user record with the perspectium Role only

Confirm Query business rule does NOT have perspectium in the Role Conditions field/list

Configure bulk share (Security Tab > Run As) to Run as the User created from finding the discrepancies

Fix is in Fluorine Plus Patch 1.1 and up.